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Javon 's pov
Next morning I woke with a literal angle in my arms she looked so beautiful I took the opportunity and took a picture of us for my Instagram and put my phone on my night stand debating to myself if I should wake her up or not but than decided not to in the end as I wanted to cuddle more after 3 more minutes or so she started to wake up and that I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. I could feel her gaze on me and a pair of soft lips pecking my forehead,she than tried to get out of my grip but I held on to the girl tightly not letting her go she than kissed my lips and than I just couldn't not resist and kissed her back . I opened my eyes to see her smiling "morning sleepy head " she said oh if only she knew "morning beautiful " I replied and connect our lips once again she smiled at me and we just sat there in a comfortable silence gazing at each other with awe but unfortunately we were interrupted by Dealo "Hey guys mom said you have to take care of me for the day "he said getting into bed and right between us I rolled my eyes at him and y/n just smiled "Well what do you want to do ?".
He thought for a minute and than suddenly hugged her to which she giggled and hugged him back.Daelo didn't want to let go to I had to take things into my one hand "Hey that's my girl" and y/n looked at me with the look that said 'he is just a kid ' to what I responded with 'so you are still mine and only mine "' look.
"Guys can we please go out I am really bored " he said said I rolled my eyes "fine get ready we will go to IHOP " she got up and than realised all my stuff was at my cousin 's "Wanna I will have to go to Andrea's she has all my stuff " she told me I just smiled and said "Actually I sent Jaden go get your stuff last night so there is no way you will be leaving me today, by the was your stuff is right there " I pointed to the bathroom she rolled my eyes and went inside.I really wanted today to be special for us so I texted Jayla.

Cookie 🍪


Cookie 🍪-sup wanna enjoying ur alone time with y/n

Me-I am but jayla can you please take care of Daelo this afternoon I don't mind him or anything

Cookie 🍪- why tho u/n loves mumps omg are u gonna dump her JAVON WANNA WALTON IF U DO ANYTHING TO HURT HER I AM GONNA KILL U

Me-calm down ofc I am not gonna to that I just want takr her on a date and I know y/n won't mind Daelo tagging around but Daelo will be bored Outta his mind

Cookie 🍪- fine i guess but if u do anything I swear I am so hooking her up with Jaden and if not me

Me- well too bad she is mine and only mine 😈

Cookie 🍪- wanna ur giving off Ashray vibes


"Wanna " I heard a soft voice and looked up

Y/n 's pov

(What y/n is wearing)He looked up at me and his eyes widened "wow you look umm " he looked speechless I gave a smirk and  kissed him passionately he puts his hands on my waist and I wato mine around his neck after a while his hands start to rome m...

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(What y/n is wearing)
He looked up at me and his eyes widened "wow you look umm " he looked speechless I gave a smirk and kissed him passionately he puts his hands on my waist and I wato mine around his neck after a while his hands start to rome my body but than he suddenly pulled apart "I love this outfit in you darling" he smiled ,I bit my lip "you don't think it's too revealing ' .
"Nah you can wear whatever you want ,your man can fight ' I giggled he smiled "ahh your giggle is my sound " I rolled my eyes "okay now your being way too cheesy " he rolled his eyes "let's go " we all got in the car Javon was driving I was on the passenger seat with Daelo on my lap we were all blasting loud music.
After like 10-15 mins we reach we all say down "So what do u wanna eat ?"
"Hmm I will have Waffles " I told him "Same " Daelo said I gave him a smile than turned to Javon " What about you Javon ,what are you having ?" .
"Pancakes I guess" he said , we all ordered and than eat out food "What are we doing now ?" I asked Javon "well Jayla is coming to pick Daelo up and is taking him to the arcade ".
"Really? " Daelo asked obviously excited javon nodded and a few minutes later Jayla came to pick him up.
"Jayla " I ran up to her and hugged her "y/n my wifey " she hugged me back tightly "Hey what about me ?" Javon asked "Nah she 's mine " Jayla said "Umm No she 'd mine' javon said pulling me to his side "Your both wrong we all know that me and y/n are made for each other" we all turned to see Jaden ,Javon glared at both of them which screamed 'Back off' They both raised their hands in a way to say 'we surrender ' I giggled seeing all this we all said goodbye in the end and I turned the Javon "You don't have to be so possessive " I looked at me "Hey I am not the possessive type but what's mine is mine " I rolled my eyes at this "so what we gonna do now ?" I asked him and he just smirked"it's a surprise " I groaned "I hate surprises" he raised he eyebrows "Yet you give me them all the time " he pointed out "Well that's different " I told him "Different how ?" He asked "ugh fine ' I grounded we sat in his car and he started driving I wonder where he is gonna take me

Sorry it took so long guys pls vote n comment ✨

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