Chapter 1

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A young Belmont boy, probably a teen, was playing in his family's living room with three older girls, probably his sisters. His mother was sitting by the garden bench sharpening some tools and father was sitting beside her watching them.

A flash of light engulfed them.

Across the country, the same happened to a group of people with blue robes. An older man, one young boy and two girls were also engulfed in light.

A castle was seen, when zoomed in, two blondes and one raven haired man sat at the giant balcony of a castle at night, higher than anything up in the sky. A little blond boy with his mother and father, was playing around, transforming back and forth from his wolf form. Right as the woman giggled, all of them as well, were engulfed in a burst of light.

All the families appeared in a pretty big room filled with cushions and couches all over, there was a big black rectangular mirror in front of them.(which we know as a television)

The eldest of the Belmonts stood up along with the long raven haired man to protect their families, but they couldn't move from their positions, only stand or sit, no words came out of their mouths either. 

A voice appeared from the ceiling,

"Hello, I am known as Sylvia, you may address me as so. You have been brought here to react to your future on this contraption known as a television, do not question how or why. You may see things that upset or repulse you, do not be too disturbed. After watching this, you shall be able to change the future for the better. But once you do, your universe will be separated from the future you will be seeing." The voice explained, "i will give you 10 minutes to introduce yourselves and get comfortable. You will not be able to harm each other, proceed." 

Then the voice went silent.

The others took this opportunity to start talking, when they were finally able to. When the chaos stopped, the people in the room started introducing themselves one by one. 

The eldest of the Belmonts, who had blond hair and brown eyes spoke up, "I am Gabriel Belmont, these are my children and my wife, Maria." He pointed at his wife who had dark brown— wavy hair and blue eyes. He also pointed at four other children of various ages. 

The oldest looking girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes spoke up, "I'm Gabriella Belmont. I'm 19."

"I'm Lucille Belmont, 16." The girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes introduced herself.

"I'm Caltrina Belmont, I'm also 16." Said the girl with brown and brown eyes. They were twins then.

"And I'm Trevor belmont. I'm 13." The youngest boy with brown hair and blue eyes smiled and spoke.

Unknown to others, the family of 3 stiffened slightly at hearing their last name, the older man in blue robe spoke up, "I am elder Hugh, I am a speaker. These are my students and my granddaughter." 

He pointed at a young girl and a young boy and then placed his hand upon the shoulder of another young girl with fairly short hair. He introduced them respectively.

The girl with neck length blonde hair, tan skin and green eyes introduced herself. "I am Leah, 15 years old." 

Another young girl next to her with short ginger hair, fair skin and bright blue eyes said, "I am Sypha Belnades, I am 12." 

"And I am Arn, I am 11." The boy with brown eyes, hair and skin introduced himself.

Now it was time for the family of three, they looked slightly wary and so did the older Belmonts for some reason. 

The man sighed and spoke up, "I am Vlad Tepes, this is my wife and my son." He introduced his family.

The Belmonts immediately seemed to know the name as the sisters gasped, the boy was still confused but wary now.

The young boy with golden eyes and golden blond hair reaching down to his shoulders and wrapped in a red ribbon introduced himself, "I am Adrian Tepes, I am 8 years of age but look about 12 or so." 

"You're Dracula." Gabriel ignored Adrian and spoke directly to Vlad and went to get his whip only to not find it was not in its hilt. He cursed silently. Trevor now seemed to understand what was happening and his eyes went wide.

Before Vlad could say anything, his wife spoke up, "Yes, he's a vampire and I'm Lisa, and I'm also very confused about what's happening." 

Her joyful tone broke giggles between the kids in the room. 

She was clearly human. 

Sylvia's voice came back from the ceiling, "Very well Lisa, you may ask me." 

"Why were we, specifically, chosen to view the future?" Agreeing comments murmured around the room.

"Good question, you see, all your futures are very connected, in their own ways. The only way you may be able to understand it is if you speak to each other and communicate throughout the whole thing." Sylvia said.

"I see, when will we start?" Lisa smiled and asked. 

"Any moment now, right after all of you take your seats." Sylvia explained. 

Everyone reluctantly went to their seats and sat down in couches, the speakers seemed enthralled by it all while the Tepes and Belmont family sat at a pretty safe distance.

"Hey, are you actually 8? You don't look 8." Trevor asked Adrian when he sat down on one of the couches. 

Gabriel seemed more surprised than Vlad, who went wide eyed, Adrian seemed to ignore his father and smiled, "That's because of me being a dhampir, I age quite differently than full humans you see, I may look or sound physically older but I'm still 8." He explained.

Trevor nodded in understanding. "You definitely sound older, you sound like some old wise guy or something." Sypha chimed in and got laughs from Adrian and the others.

Just as they stopped laughing and got comfortable, something popped up on the screen, startling several people who laughed again. The mood was oddly positive, considering there was the king of vampires, his family and the family of hunters created just to kill said king of vampires, all in the same room.


And so it began.

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