Chapter 12

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A/N: There's a lot of Trevor x Alucard scenes in this chapter! Those who are not fond of this ship, you should probably not read ahead.


The episode started.

"Oh hell yeah," Leah sat up from her inclined position and grinned in excitement. The others laughed.

Godbrand walked in Isaac's working station and saw Issac sitting on the step, whipping himself with the spikes.

Many winced. "I forgot he did that," Arn grimaced at the blood on the forgemaster's back.

"It's disturbing." Sypha agreed.

"I wish you would stop doing that," He commented as he came to a halt, "It's sick."

" You're sick." Adrian grumbled and Trevor snorted.

"The body is sick. it must be purged," Isaac explained and stopped his whipping, "It must be focused. This is holy work, you see?" He gripped the handle.

"I think we have a different idea of what holy is, buddy," Gabriella raised an eyebrow at the man.

Godbrand ignored him and went about to observe the room. The flooring pattern was in a cross while the rest was completely open for a fall. Gears continuously turning.

"Isn't it kinda dangerous to have the floors be open like that. No railings, even." Lucille commented and others laughed, "What?"

"I doubt the danger of falling is more dangerous than the ones in that room, dear," Lisa smiled and Lucille blushed in embarrassment, "Right..."

"How did Dracula draft you
into his service, I wonder?" The Viking questioned out loud.

"I make purity from human corruption. Human corruption is a stain on the world," He answered nonchalantly, "It was a simple choice."

Gabriel shrugged in scepticism. He doubted that it was a simple choice.

Godbrand stared at him and said, "Well, talking about choices. Carmilla is making a lot of sense to me now."

The teens all 'ooh'ed. "He's testing the waters, guys." Caltrina commented.

"In what way?" Issac continued his whipping and closed his eyes.

"There's no plan. Dracula doesn't act on our recommendations. He barely listens to you and Hector." The Viking explained, "We're just thrashing around the country randomly."

"There is an intent. We don't need strict battle plans. We simply follow his intent." The forgemaster didn't open his eyes.

Vlad smiled sadly at his loyalty.

"We didn't need to hit Gresit right away, you know." Godbrand opened his palm to prove a point. "And we should have been made aware that prince Adrian was under the bloody city."

They all looked at the boy who blushed under the sudden attention.

" Prince Adrian is nothing but a spoiled child. Never having even seen the face of a fight, you believe he may become a threat to us in this war ?" Issac glared at him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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