Chapter 9

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The screen showed peaceful meadows, a small farm with the morning sun peeking through the trees.

"Ah, such beautiful scenery." Maria and Lisa sighed.

"Would love to paint it."

"Wish I could paint it."

Trevor and Adrian both said simultaneously, Adrian laughed and Trevor blushed. The blond was used to his strange behaviour by now.

Trevor cringed inside. God, he really was acting like a lovestruck fool, wasn't he?

A boy's back was shown. He had silver hair in a bob cut reaching just to his neck. He stood up and started walking away.

"Who's this?" Trevor asked but got no answer back.

He walked through what looked like a thin forest, by a river. The view was very relaxing.

"As nice as it is to have a break from all the murder, why is this relevant again?" Caltrina asked and Maria scolded her daughter.
"It must be relevant someway, don't be impatient."

"Alright..." Caltrina grumbled and her twin laughed.

The boy walked in the middle of a wide road with both sides covered in tall yellowed grass. He abruptly stopped as if he noticed something and stared up in the sky.

Three hawks were flying in a circle above something.

"Oh no, did someone die?" Sypha asked in worry.

The boy put a hand infront of his eyes to clearly look at the bird when a few flies flew by his face. That's when he noticed what was wrong within the tall grasses.

A white animal was shown laying on it's side with flies around it.

Many felt pity for the animal.

The boy knelt down beside it and a few drop of tears fell from his eyes.

"I think that's Hector. With the hair and kindness for animals." Maria said and others nodded. They had their suspicion but now it was confirmed.

He caressed what seemed to be a dead dog and moved his hands around the dog's body.

Some wrinkled their noses while others looked disturbed.
"As sweet as this is. Touching dead animals may give you diseases so don't. Ever." Maria lectured her kids who seemed far too happy to obey.

When he was seemingly done, he pulled out two coins with runes carved into them and brought them closer to the dog.

"Uh oh." Lucille said.

He clashed the coins onto eachother which created blue sparks. They went into the dog's body.

"He looks pretty young there, how long has he been practicing necromancy?" Leah asked and others wondered as well.

He repeated his previous movements again and this time the dog's arms and head moved for a second. The boy took it as a sign to continue and the clashing of the coins this time made a huge whirlpool of wind between them and emitted a blue light, which then flew into the dog.

"Woah." Sypha, Leah and Arn said.

There was a moment of silence before he sighed in disappointment. Nothing had happened. As if on cue, the dog's eyes blinked a blue light before it disappeared again.

"Creepy." Caltrina commented.

Older Hector was shown in the screen, raising a hammer and striking.

Castlevania Reaction {Inspired} (TREVOR X ALUCARD)Where stories live. Discover now