Chapter 4

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The third episode came on soon enough and they all toughened themselves again.

Wind was blowing through a graveyard shown. The trees were dead and there were snow in some areas. Some of the snow already melted.

Trevor found the mausoleum and opens the door. There were old knight statues, engravings of the night hordes in the back and a grave in the middle of the building.

"That looks creepy and cool at the same time." Lucille and Caltrina commented and grinned. Some others smiled at that.

Trevor walked inside. He felt the exterior of the coffin as he proceeded to search for any indication that someone else has been there recently. He looked around the back to find any hidden entrances and found one just behind the stone figures of the night beasts partially blocked.

"She dead." Leah said and the kids all laughed with her. The adults seemed disturbed at their odd humour.


He climbed the stone figures to reach the empty space he found and entered with his lower body first. He slid down the passage into a new section of the mausoleum.

"Well at least you found the entrance." Gabriella grinned at her brother who raised his nose in a smug manner.

Trevor grabbed an unlit torch off the wall and smelled it.

"Fresh oil."

"I hope there isn't anyone else there, it would just over complicate things." Lisa said in worry but the kids seemed interested in something else.

"You unlocked a new skill!" Gabriella praised her brother who looked delighted. "Yeah! See dad? I'm like you in the future!" Trevor exclaimed.

"Yes. It's impressive." Gabriel smiled.

Trevor put the torch against the wall as he pulled out a knife. He used the knife to strike a fire for the torch.

"Anyone home?" Trevor looked around his immediate area with his lit torch.

"You shouldn't just announce your presence like that." Gabriel explained, "It gives away the element of surprise." Trevor nodded in understanding.

Trevor saw a metal pipe and knocked on it which caused a hollow clank sound to echo through the tomb. "Warm. That's weird." He heard a rustling sound, so he put his guard up by readying his sword as he proceeded.

"Wasn't that sort of stuff in your castle?" Sypha asked Vlad, who again looked surprised at the little one talking to him, but replied quickly nonetheless.

"Yes but that is not my castle, maybe a hideout of a sort for my future self." Vlad explained to the young girl who nodded.

Trevor reached the top of a descending staircase. "I can hear you." He cautiously descended. "I'm armed and a lot less happy than you are, so you want to stay well out of my way." When he got to the bottom of the staircase the floor collapsed. "Whoa! Oh!"

"Oh that looked like it hurt." Sypha and Adrian winced for the boy who tsked at his future self in pity.

The fall was short. The debris landed on the ground below and Trevor landed in a kneeling position with a smirk. "Ha! Reflexes like a cat."

"Well done son." Gabriel smiled proudly.

The floor he landed on started to rumble. "Oh!" Then the floor collapsed again causing Trevor to lose his hold of the torch and have a rough landing on the debris below him.

Castlevania Reaction {Inspired} (TREVOR X ALUCARD)Where stories live. Discover now