Chapter 11

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The screen was black for a few seconds before Trevor drew away some cloth, revealing the view.

"That was a cool transition." Caltrina grinned.

'20th November...' The writing showed on the screen.

"Just 5 more days till my birthday." Adrian smiled.

"This is showing what happened in the hold before the time skip, then." Gabriel said.

"Well, not before the time skip. Just what happened during the days which were skipped straight to Godbrand." Maria corrected him and her husband shrugged, "Yeah, that's what I meant."

"This is really confusing." Arn muttered.

The cloth turned out to be a curtain of some sort, which formerly hid a shattered mirror behind it. "What the hell is this?" He asked to no one in particular.

"Oh- the viewing mirror." Gabriel said, a little wistfully.

"What?" Sypha asked, confusedly.

"Few of our ancestors tried fixing the mirror many times, even I tried. Never worked." Disappointment was clear on his voice.

"Let's hope those three will be able to make it work." Maria said with a little encouragement. Adrian, Trevor and Sypha smiled with pride at that.

Sypha, who was standing behind him and reading a book, looked up and asked him back, "You don't know?"

"Nope. I didn't know until now." Trevor shrugged and Gabriel huffed. "If you just listened to our teachings even a little—" he started but was cut off by Trevor groaning. The other children laughed at that.

"I..." Trevor glanced at her, "don't know."

"This is your house." The ginger haired woman said, putting the book back in it's place and walking towards the mirror.

"He doesn't even know a quarter of what's in that hold." Gabriella snorted and Trevor glared at her, "I know enough."

"Do you know everything in your house?" Trevor asked her while both leant to inspect the object.

"We don't have a house." Leah grinned, making Sypha and Arn laugh in agreement.

"I don't have a house." She quipped.

They snorted at that coincidence.

"She doesn't have a house." A voice called out. Both looked up in surprise to find Alucard sitting on top of a bookshelf, a book in hand. His long sword was inclined on his shoulder. "She's a Speaker. She's a nomad." He said with amusement.

Lucille and Caltrina chuckled, "What are you doing up there?"

"How did you even get up there?" Maria asked, surprised. Adrian flushed and shrugged, he didn't know himself.

"It was rhetorical." Trevor informed him.

"Rhetorical house that she doesn't have." The blond closed the book, grabbed his sword and jumped down—the drop making no sound whatsoever.

Leah whistled, impressed by him.

"Great landing, sunshine." Lisa kissed the side of her head, making her son smile.

"Sunshine?" Sypha snorted and Adrian looked away in embarrassment. The Belmonts chuckled at that.

"Just tell me what it is." Trevor said, a little annoyed.

Alucard ignored him and went straight to inspecting the mirror. "It was a magic mirror." Sypha said.

"Also known as distance mirrors," Alucard added his knowledge. "Some of them even allow matter
to pass through them, but..."

Castlevania Reaction {Inspired} (TREVOR X ALUCARD)Where stories live. Discover now