Chapter 3

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The screen showed another writing before starting with the episode.

They looked on curiously.

'I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that in the future that you are viewing, all the Belmonts except Trevor have passed away because of an unfortunate tragedy. I will give you some time again, before the episode continues.'

The room became quiet again, everyone looked shocked and upset at this, much like when they viewed Lisa's death.

"Wait... I'm the last Belmont?" Trevor whispered in shock and Maria hugged him. His sisters looked horrified at the realisation.

"You..." Gabriel started but realised he didn't have much to say. Trevor's eyes started watering. "We are going to change this." Maria finished for her husband.

Like before, Sypha and this time Adrien tried to give him an encouraging smile. He sniffed and cuddled by Gabriella's side. Lucille and Caltrina did so as well.

"It seems bad news keeps on coming. We must wait before we catch wind of anything mildly good." Elder said and the Tepes family looked uncomfortable with the situation.

The second episode came on.

Crickets were chirping as the screen slowly zoomed in a village with the tavern's lights on.

Bosha slammed his drink on the table and spat off to the, on the floor.

Maria frowned at the man then remembered his words about their family being the worst and glared.

The Belmont was listening in on the conversation from the opposite end of the tavern with an annoyed look.

"That must be hurtful for him or well- you to listen to." Lisa said with a sad look on her face.

Trevor looked at her but didn't say anything.

"It's all about these old families, like the Belmonts, who control all the power and go to war with each other. And who's caught in the middle?" Bosha asked his fellow patrons.

"Yes well, who's supposed to kill the night creatures if we don't?" Caltrina grumbled.

"Idiots." Lucille agreed.

"We are." His cousin answered.

"We are because we don't matter." Bosha slowly stated.

The Belmonts shrugged. No one was getting hurt anyway. Why would it matter?

"Do you know why? Where'd you come from?" Bosha asked his cousin.

"Well, out of your aunt, according to you." Kob replied.

Leah snorted at the comeback.

"You came from shit." Bosha put his finger on Kob's chest. "I came from shit. We all came from shit."

"Glad you realised." Gabriella said with a fake smile and almost everyone laughed. The room's mood lightened up a little.

"We just work for a living every day of our lives." The Belmont tried to drink away what he was hearing but realized that he was out of ale.

Castlevania Reaction {Inspired} (TREVOR X ALUCARD)Where stories live. Discover now