Chapter 6

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Everyone sat back, comfortable in their given seats, considering how they were on edge almost the whole time. The Țepeș family sat at one side of the room on a couch, then Gabriel, Trevor and Maria sat on one couch and Gabriella, Lucille and Caltrina sat on the couch next to them.
At last, on the other side of the room, the speaker children were all huddled together on a couch next to Elder who was sitting on a armchair.

Sylvia's voice came through the ceiling again. "Is everyone comfortable?"

"Yes." Everyone either said or nodded.

Once she finished checking up on everyone, the room become silent again.

"Hey you're a dhampir right?" Gabriella asked, finally breaking the silence. Adrian nodded.

"I know that means you're a half vampire and half human, but what does it mean with abilities and stuff?" Gabriella asked the question that most had been thinking.

Adrian seemed slightly surprised. "You're the first to ask." He smiled. "It means I get the perks of both sides, and some of the bad parts as well," All of the room was listening by now.

"For example, I have fangs so I need to drink blood and consume human food, or I'll be hungry. Which is bad." He frowned then smiled again, "But I get vampire speed, strength, senses, shapeshifting abilities. Stuff like that."

"That sounds amazing honestly. Except the drinking blood part." Lucille said and wrinkled her nose jokingly. Many agreed and laughed at that.

"One thing I hate is the accelerated body growth, it messes with my body and comes randomly. An example of that is after I turned a few months old, I already looked like a year old. Then I was aging okay for a few years but when I turned 5, I had a large growth spurt and grew into a 7ish year old and have looked older than I am since." He ranted and sighed in frustration. Most of the room were amused at the boy and realised that he was still just a child, no matter how he looked.

Adrian kept going, "And for things like puberty, it could either take 10 years or it could take 10 hours. It could be reduced or it could be accelerated. I haven't gone through puberty yet but I hope it will just take years like normal and not in a few days." He glared at the table and finished his rant. Then looked up to see everyone staring him and he smiled sheepishly, Trevor blushed at that again.

"Sorry, it's just annoying." Adrian explained and other teens who were still going through puberty nodded in pity.

"Poor you," Trevor frowned. "That would be horrible, just imagine the growing pains." He shuddered.

"Yeah." The teens in the room agreed. Adrian smiled at the support. He thought if he spoke too much outside than his family, people would be annoyed. Fortunately, his fear was proven wrong.

"Why do dhampir even need blood, if they have human food? And vise versa." Gabriel asked, he wanted to add more books in the family bestiary about dhampirs. There were very few, maybe 4-5 books at most.

Adrian took a deep breath and started explaining again. "Vampire hearts are rigid of course, and human hearts, well, beat. Since I'm somewhere in the between of both, I need the blood to replace the blood that I lack in my body. It basically makes up for what my own heart cannot make." Adrian shrugged and looked at his mother for accuracy. She nodded back.

Lisa usually let him do his own research and often helped him but mostly let him be independent about what he wanted to say or study. Both Vlad and Lisa were very proud that their son was so independent and curious. Well, considering that the boy's mother was Lisa, the curious part was not very surprising.

"One of the reasons not many dhampir are seen or known is because a lot die straight at birth. Either from a weak heart, pneumonia or not ingesting proper ratio of blood and human food." Trevor didn't usually like to listen to someone ranting about studies or knowledge if it didn't involve a story. But now, listening to his boy, he almost wanted him to never stop speaking.

Trevor snapped out of his train of thoughts when he started speaking again. Wait, why was he thinking like that about this 8 year old dhampir boy who he just met a while ago? Surely he didn't....? No! NO. Absolutely not. He didn't. He just met him a while ago, you can't just have feelings for someone you met so recently. That would be ridiculous. But he still felt like-

"-which is why dhampirs are basically extinct." Adrian finished and Trevor stopped his overthinking again.

"It's a lot more complicated than I thought." Trevor frowned, most of the room were frowning at this point that the boy knew about stuff like this. Adrian shrugged, it was who he was.

"At least I don't have to deal with burning in the sunlight caused by vampirism or most diseases that happen to human. Also, i don't have to consume much food or blood to survive. It's a win-lose situation."

"True." Most smiled at the optimism.

"Would you all care to get back to watching?" Sylvia received a chorus of 'yes'.

"Alright have fun." The voice went silent again. The screen started.


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