Chapter 2: Something new

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Swearing ( always and forever)
Tell me if you see anymore:)

Safe reading my stars!

This is a couple days after the first chapter by the way, just ranboo talking to tommy about being a villain yk the usual though tommy never paid attention until now

Tommyinnits PoV:

I sat there i couldn't even sleep i was so shaken that ranboo would just flip like that, they sounded almost like wilbur and it scared me half to death!

Why would they go with that so suddenly and just act like it was a boring old question like ' did you make sure you did that assignment' or something

It was fucking stupid,why would they do that to us, sure they had good reasoning with it all and it was definitely something to help us all and we would free from torment getting of track.

I just wanted to stay in my humble dirt home, i couldn't go out there i knew ranboo was gonna run into me and talk me into it, i dont even want to!

Im glad staying like this and i dont need help, i know i can get through this, even if it is so tempting it's probably not worth it,  right?

Ranboo said they would be here to pick me up by now to talk again  to be honest i hope tubbo is doing ok right now, even if he is a villain he is my best friend as well as ranboo, but they now both are in the wrong , i still need to talk to them so it sucks ass but whatever

I hear a knock at my door which snapped me out of my thoughts " come in " i tell whoever is at the door " its ranboo" i jump up from my bed " shit!-uh ok one small second ranboo i will be right with you!"

I brush my hair and get my eye bags and scars covered up on my face, to be honest i thought tubbo would get a nasty scar that stretched across his face, but of course instead it was me, in exile.

And now i cant see well because of it, i fucking despised exile and everything that was there with it except for two things

Ghostbur and ranboo

Tubbos PoV :
Before ranboo went to Tommy's house

I have made my choice by now, i know tommy will get mad or defensive about it, especially if he has picked to still go the rout he was going before, it's stupid honestly but its fine, i know who i am and for right now thats all i need.

Ranboo was getting ready for something that they haven't told me about,  i dont want to pressure them into telling me what it is they ware going to go to but i was still definitely curious they were probably going to go do something to get tommy on our side but again it didnt matter to me so i wont bother them.

" ranboo!" I ask for him " yes tubbo?"  They yell " i- ill be on your side- shit no that sounds weird" i stutter with my sentence " your on my side now? Sweet im glad you made the right choice" they said and i smile " me too" a tell them" i have to go see tommy now" they tell me

"Of course"
Tommys PoV

Should i say yes to their offer? It was definitely going to be a huge change that i probably wont like but it would be better than the situation i am in now, just  having anticipation crawling under my skin just waiting for something bad to happen to me.

Ive taken the path as the so called hero  so long and only led me into trouble, so much trouble that it blinded me from my option of freedom, but that option was being a villain and i dont even know if i will be happy that way, just knowing people were proved right.

I traced along my scar on my face with my finger, remembering how i got it, it was from exile it came from an explosion that i stood to close to, i remember it hurt a lot it was fucking burning my skin it was bright and i was standing to the side of it it fucked up my eyesight as well.

I hear a faint knock at my door and i go to open it, it was of course ranboo unexplained anger awoke within me bubbling up in my chest " what do you need ranboo" i asked " whoa there im just trying to talk to you about my offer" i think they noticed my eye bags " have you thought about my offer?" They asked " i never got details so no, i just stayed up late with shroud, he was being loud so i never got sleep." I told them and he seemed like they were thinking.

" tommy, im going to start from the beginning ok?" Ranboo asked and i nodded " your one of my closest friends next to tubbo, and i know you have been thorough a lot, i remember the letters you sent to me while you were in exile, i was told about the wars you and tubbo were in. Tommy you both were 9, no one should ever go through that pain." He said

" get to the fucking point asshole" i tell them it wasn't that they were getting on my nerves i just dont want to reminisce.

" ok ok" they said " we both know you aren't one for staying at peace for too long you need some action or something to happen or else you feel like something will happen to you, because it always has. All im saying is if you come with me i can promise you safety and everything you need." They pull out a piece of TNT and i got distracted by what was held in their hand i snapped myself out of it, it probably wasn't a great idea and my mind also said so but it was so tempting.

" just one TNT ?" They asked " fine only one" i told them and they handed two things to me a gas mask, the base of it was black and the rims of it were red, neon red, and a- a whole stack of TNT

"Here we go"

Yooo 1067 words woo

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