Chapter four: Something new

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Tw: cussing ( always and forever)

Slipping on the outfit once again, tommy made sure the stitching was finally right, it finally fit perfectly on him! He was happy about it the design was definitely one that could be perfectible but for now, he wanted the world to know it was him, he wanted them to know that they are the reason he is like this.

He put on the headphones he created to go with the outfit and put on 'burning pile' by mother mother he felt like he could almost relate to the song now that he listened to it.

He also grabbed the mask ranboo had given him before and put it on aswell it was comfortable, very very comfortable then before he went to leave he opened the chest in-front of the door and grabbed TNT, he had a feeling he was going to use some anyway.

He opened his door and decided to take a look around without walking, it definitely felt different to him now. He felt more free, he felt like a whole new person, because technically he was, ' tommy' was a weak traumatized boy who never got anything of what he wanted. But now he was different from that little boy who was blinded from the right option, he was free he was a man that didn't need anything from anyone, he was now someone who got everything he needed with just a small push he was the one who resembled what he was mesmerized by, TNT.

but there was one small problem, he had no name for himself yet.

He stared to walk while he thought about it, if he was going to be resembling TNT he should have a name similar to that, something that would roll of the tongue easy  it was certainly hard to chose a name.
Something about TNT and his last name ' innit' came to mind after a while of thinking, he finally decided.

" ranboo hasn't been around for a while" tommy said as he put his hood up and he heard someone walking behind him he turned around " what do you want, who are you" innit squinted his eyes to try and get a better look at the person " ranboo?" He questioned

" damn your eyesight is shit" an annoyed voice said " but i was actually going to ask you the same question, and is that- Tommy's shirt?" It was jack

Innit flipped the hood off of his head to jacks surprise " what the hell, tommy?"
He said before innit lit a piece of TNT and threw it on the ground which made hime shoot up " Its not tommy anymore bitch its TNT-innit! Get it right!" He said as he was shot away from jack up into the sky

He laughed " there isn't a tommy anymore ! " he laughed as he lit another piece of TNT before he could be pulled by gravity once again, one after another he would get faster and higher each time until he felt something bubble up in his chest, it felt like nothing he had felt before it burned like lava,

it climbed up his throat and he fell to the ground, not hurt, but the strange feeling threatened to erupt through Tommy's mouth, he tried to hold it, but it was unbearably hot and it felt like it was burning the inside of his mouth, he eventually let it loose and it trickled out of his mouth and it was a red smoke that had no smell whatsoever tommy started to panic so he took off the mask but he couldn't breathe his panic then started to rise then he sees ranboo and tobee (tubbo) " ca-nt mask" he said desperately he was weakly pointing to his mask on the ground hoping at least one of them got the hint, tobee got what he had ment and ran over to him to put the mask on after it was put back on tommy gasped finally getting air " r-remind ne to never take this off" he said shaken by what just happened

" no problem"
"Got it"
They both stopped for a second then they both in unison said " dont take that off"

There was a long pause but then innit started to chuckle as well as tobee, after a minute ranboo joined in too and till sunset they joked around as if nothing ever happened

( lol im just going to say this so it isn't confusing)

Tommy only goes my 'TNT-innit' or 'Innit' for short when he is usually around people he doesn't fully trust like wilbur dream phil etc. tubbo/tobee and ranboo just say it because it doesn't feel right to them even if tommy  said that it was fine the same thing goes for tubbo as well, yes Tommy's name through this book will switch from tommy to innit sometimes, sorry abt that:-;


Word count: 824

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