Chapter 5: Shroud!

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TW: swearing (always and forever)
Mention of technoblade (for those who are sensitive )

Tell me if you see anymore

Tubbo PoV:

Innit decided to come home with us after it started getting dark once we all had gotten home me and ran didn't go to sleep for another few hours. I had i sneaky suspicion that innit didn't sleep, ranboo said we would hold back the plan because innit was going to have to get used to shit..but i think i have an amazing idea of fun. "Ranboo? You in here?" I peeked into the kitchen "mhm whats up?" They said in return "i want to hang out with innit today and i wanted to ask if you had any plans for the prison?" I said

"I have a plan for the person who is in the prison so, no you aren't blowing up the prison yet" they said "well how did you know i was gonna do that" i said rolling my eyes " oh come on, you mentioned innit and the damn prison, what would you expect i think" they said and i chuckled "true true" is all i said " well what can i do with innit?" I ask "what would you want to do?" They ask "i want him to get used to using TNT and all that, i want to help him bee  a villain" i snicker "did-did ya get that?-the lil pun there" i ask holding back a laugh and they sighed "yes, we get it your a bee now" he laughed "no need to make us feel bad" i laugh until i hear a knock on the side of the door

"You both noticed im here yet?" Someone coughed sarcastically, it was no other than innit ( of course)
"Soo tobee, you wanted to ask innit something?" Ranboo asked " yea! Uhm, i was wondering if you want to hang out again?" I ask and he shrugged " i mean why not? Im pretty free right now i have nothing to do" he said, though he wasn't smiling. "Nice! Lets go then" i said excitedly as i grab his arm and i head out the door. " welp what do you want to do?" I ask as we walk "hm? Oh you can pick" he said

"Do you not want to hang out?" I ask and he snaps his head towards " what?! Nonono! I want to hang out, but i have to check on shroud sooner or later, im worried 'bout him you know?" He said slower as he finished his sentence "where is shroud?" I ask and he mumbled "what was that?" I ask " he is at technos house, i asked wilbur if he could take him to phil cause i couldn't trust myself! Just,back off on that" he yelled and i felt bad

On one hand i despise them both on the other hand tommy needs shroud! and i couldn't let him down. Not again, i cant betray him. "Then lets go get shroud!" I say And his head shoots up "but what about yo-" he gets interrupted by me "i want to get shroud for you, i know how much they mean to you"
I say "im coming with you then." Innit said

" andd if we are going soo far awayy" he said "then why not just speed up the process!" He grabs my hand and placed a few TNT " i dont know if this is safe-" i try to say " non-sense! I did it and look how i turned out! Perfectly fine" he said and we both shoot up he kept putting TNT under our feet so we would go the right direction.

It was fun definitely! The scenery behind the smoke was beautiful and i couldn't help but laugh all the way there , he doesn't land next to technos house, so i guess we had to walk the rest of the way " -fun yeah?" He said "hm? I didn't catch all that big man" i ask and he says again "that was definitely fun yeah?" He asked laughing through his words.

I haven't seen him this happy in so long even if it was just a chuckle and a small smile, this is more than is has been , maybe this was the right choice.. maybe we will finally be free-

"You ok?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Oh yea-yeah! Sorry i just spaced out there" i nervously chuckled "ok well,i want you to stay back from here, ok big man?" He asked "but what about-"
"Me? I will be Perfectly fine! I promise, just..stay here for your safety, mk?" He said " no! I cant let you do that you can get-" "tubbo." He said sternly "fine, just-just be careful?" I ask "of course! I will be careful! Who do you mistake me for?" He said " just a month ago you said, and i quote! ' danger is my middle name' what is it now then?" I asked sarcastically and he looked at me with a deadpanned look "oh come on tobee!"

"Welp, i will see you soon" he said as he did a fake salute and ran away into the woods, i was going to have to follow him from the skys, just to make sure he wont see me, i need to make sure he will be safe especially with techno around.

As he got closer to his house i dove into the woods and picked a place to hide where i could still see him, just as i thought techno was training, i couldn't hear shit so it wasnt fun, but just a second goes by before innit was putting his hands up in fake surrender and techno had a sword to his neck, which was unsettling, but i see innit grab something out of his pocket it was a grey round object? He gave it to techno and techno walks to his house and innit followed i drink an invisibility potion so i can get a closer look.

I look in the window to see innit hugging shroud, it was a happy sight to see, he finally got to see his son again "i will visit every week ok?" He said but he was blinking a ton and shroud seemed yo understand something "but i have to go ok shroud? Remember what i said?" Innit asked and shroud nodded "dont betray uncle techno" they both say in unison "ok shroud, i have to go ok?" And he nods "bye!" Shroud said, which was my cue to leave, i fly up from my spot into the air and fly back to my spot that innit asked me too stay in before he lefy. "Now i wait!" I said

It took a while though, it was probably because he had to navigate through the woods, i just flew then i heard running and i see innit with leaves in his hair and small twigs "we gotta go we gotta go! C'mon tubs!" He grabs my hand and lights a TNT under our feet again and we shoot up, "what's happened?!" I ask "DADZA IS MAAAD" and i heard a few big 'whoosh' s before "THOMAS!" I look behind us and tommy is laughing his ass off "im sorry im sorry!" He lights another TNT and a smoke bomb "not" he said and he laughed again it wasn't normal though, it felt like it was kinda psychotic, it must have been in my head but it seemed like his mood switch very quickly

"what did you do innit!" I ask "i stole a shit ton of potions and gaples!" He snickered "waitwait how meny?" I ask and he showed me his inventory "too much to count! But it will definitely be enough to keep us safe!" He said "what about shroud?!" I ask hurried "oh shroud? He is in my hood!" I see them pop out from the hood with a laugh " hi uncle tub-" shroud was cut off "its uncle tobee, ok shroud?" Innit said "mhm! Hi uncle tobee!" They said

"We should return home then?" I ask "sure, we can do shit tomorrow, we literally live in the same house now tobee!" He said "true true!" I say and he takes us back to the house, we land once again and we all head inside "hey i got shroud!" He said to ranboo but there was no response "ran?" I ask again no response.

"Quick check the other rooms for them " innit said and he starts to search and i do the same it was almost a disaster until i heard an audible relived sigh. "They are in here with Michael"

"Ok then, well we should probably help shroud get used to the new environment yeah? Get him a bed and all that?" I ask "sure tubs" he said

Haha im BACK with another chapter! With the word count at a magnificent number of 1496! Lets GOOOOOO!

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