Chapter 9: A difference.

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Tobee took innit over to where ranboo was stood.
The tall enderman hybrid was shocked to see the golden blond teen alive and well, and while innit was distracted his back turned from the two, both ranboo and tobee shared knowing sad looks of the blond that stood rambling in-front of them about revenge on the man who left him to rot in death.

Eventually innit did turn around, with a redish tint in his eyes, more noticeable than when tobee had found him, it had frightened the enderman, while tobee sat looking at him with a sorrowful pitting expression, that had took over his face moments beforehand.

Innit got irritated by the look that was on tobees face " im perfectly fine." He said snappily at his brunette friend, who had jumped back at the sudden rude tone his friend had just shot at him.

But then tobee noticed innit looking at his communicator, his face brightened up "hey, ill see you guys later yeah? Got someone to see." The blond said in a cheery tone, closing the app on his watch. Before running off in the direction of L'Manhole.

Both ranboo and tobee wondered what their now undead friend was up to, and why his demeanor changed to rapidly.

-/Wilbur Soot joined the gāmė./-

(Guess we will see in our next chapter yeah?)

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