Chapter 8: What happend?

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Talk of death

Take care readers!!

...back in the prison??

I was breathing heavy, of course..

Dream was looking at me, like he has accomplished something.
"I-hel-hello?" I ask wearily while i tryed to get off the ground, falling right back on the hard obsidian my own dried pool of blood...


"Welcome back, tommy!"  Dream kneels down next to me, while i try to scoot away from him i feel a sharp pain i feel at the end of my back, what was that?

I look behind me, there was some sort of tail that ripped through my jeans, it was definitely new, it was cherry red it was kinda like how a devil tail was but, the end of his tail looked razor could definitely kill or extremely hurt someone.

"Ooh thats new.." dream says looking at my head.
"Whats this?"he grabs something at my head "horns? Hm!" He backs away and throws his arms up

"Welcome back to the land of the living! How was your experience with death? Ive heard it's different with everyone." Dream said now folding his arms

I laughed " oh dream- you fucking-" i was cut off
" so how was it like?" Dream asked again
"What-what was what like." I asked

"Death! What was it like?" Dream asked again, smiling wide this time, right i was supposed to keep up my act with dream..didn't need him knowing im pretty powerful, especially after death.

"I-i was in a void of-of black and dark-and i felt like i was being torn apart and just being shredded to-to a power-like a dust and then there was light." I said grabbing at my hair, making sure that this all was as believable as possible.

"Look i just gave you some time in there."

I look at him, anger flares up in my body, flowing through my veins

"YOU-you gave me so much time!"
I yell at him "i was in there for months! Almost a whole year! Dream!" I tell him tears running down my face

" it was only a week tommy."
He says

No! No, no, no! Im not believing that!

Wheres-where is tobee where is-where is jack where-wheres phil! Wheres PHIL! Wheres RANBOO!

The questions roam in my mind

"Tommy?" I hear sam Finally my ticket out of the hell

"SAM! SAM IM-IM HERE!" I yell, and i see the lava go down.."TOMMY!" Sam says after the lava goes down

Before i left i knew there was one way to revive was going to be dream that has to do it.
"Whatever you do with that book there? Do not revive wilbur." I say. hopefully he does the exact opposite

"Whatever you say tommy!" Dream says "my gods-MY NAME-" i take a breath

"My name is TNT-Innit to you." And i hop on the platform, leading me away from the cell

"Oh my gods tommy! How are you alive!" Sam asked hugging me "i-he-he-" I couldn't say it. I dont know why but i couldn't say it " revival." I say

"Can i have my stuff yet?" I say pulling out of the embrace "oh! Yes its in the chest over here!" He pointed me to the chest.

"Thanks sam" i grab everything from the chest

"Hey, tommy?" Sam asked an i turn my head to him "yeah? What's up?" I answered "well if you dont mind i have two questions for you." Sam asked

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