Chapter 10: your ok

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Yeah, this is NOT fluff btw ^^

HAH YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE NICE?? Not for the next three chapters, no

Also! Yes i know this is EXTREMELY LATE! I am having a lack of motivation (please spare me on that one) there us a bunch of drama at school which made my mental heath take a dive down, so ive been mostly just trying to help myself out. And i have a whole bunch of papers i have to turn in on next monday, so i just tried to make that chapter for you guys, i know it's sloppy and not my style, but bare with me here ok? We are almost at the ends of the book and i will have to start planning on book 2 soon so i know where im going with this.

BEFORE WE START!: wilbur is just gonna be wilbur, he isn't happy, he isn't soft, he is wilbur ok? Ok.

Also swearing (always and forever)

Innit was running to the entrance of the smp, which was quite literally the top of a cliff, to go meet someone.

That someone has coffee brown hair, which most likely has a white streak now from revival, a brown trench coat with a yellow turtleneck with some blue jeans, this person was his brother, wilbur soot.

As he reached the top of the cliff, he noticed no one was there.. he was very disappointed at the communicator being wrong he ran all the way up here from across the server for gods sakes!but he was already here, so why not just sit up here and wait, right?

"I really miss you Wilbur" innit started off with a small sad chuckle leaving his lips"you know i actually thought you were here again, but dream has the stupid revival book, i cant save you wil" he messes with the grass that lay in between his fingers, its soft and very healthy, but gives off a feel of deja vu which confused tommy before he finally remembered.

It was back in L'Manburg days,

'the flag had finally been sewn and it looked so beautiful finally in the bright sunny sky. Tommy went over to this very cliff, and sat down in this very spot, but there was enough room for two back then, wilbur was trying to find tommy, because he got no information from the boy on where he was going, before he calmed down, seeing tommy at this cliff

Wilbur sat down next to the blond 9 year old, who was happily swaying his feet of the edge, "tommy!" Wilbur laughed ruffling the curly golden blond hair that was neatly styled before. " i was looking all over for you toms!" He says sitting down next to him while the boy just laughed sorry wil!" Was all he said in return '

He really wished he could have helped wilbur out of that blank hell he was in now, but there was no way out unless dream would actually believe in what the blond said and did the exact opposite like he had hoped it would, but dream is a smart man, he probably caught on to the trick, and did exactly what innit said, to just not revive him.

Dream has outsmarted everyone on this SMP at least once, he has also push things yo go his way as well. And poor tommy has been the punching bag for quite some time now, though he cant to that to innit. Even though he did kill the poor villain, THAT DIDNT COUNT! It was a rookie mistake, you know?

He thought of ranboo and tobee, how their pitting faced were shot to innit. He never EVER not even as tommy!..needed any sort of pit from anyone here.
So it was annoying how they both thought they could act like he was a starving cat or whatever! He was a villain! A great one at that!

" ranboo and tobee have made it obvious they think im different and they think they can pity me now, i told them not to, just cuz i died doesn't mean Ive gone say im the complete opposite, what do you think wil?" Innit looks up at the pink clouds and a sigh was released from the blonde

Gods..he couldn't cry now. He just made it clear that he was perfectly ok! He didn't need any sadness or support from anyone! So why did he feel like crying now? Maybe for his brother? But it wouldn't make sense..not for tubbo and ranboo either.

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