Chapter 7: Yikes!

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I just found this on Pinterest, sadly i dont know the artist

Before we start!
Mention of blood

Safe reading!!

In my au:

1. Is before tommy/TNTinnit died and ofc before wilbur got revived (you will isee how this plays out in the next few chapters! (Including this one))

2. Idk just having one thing looked weird to me lol HAPPY READING! I was super excited about this one!

3. Innit is bound to get more brutal, and a LOT les merciful through this whole thing. He will be drastically changing through the next few chapters sooo yeah..good luck?

4. My adhd was stupid and thats why this is extremely late lol well and i have to pack up to go to my dads soon for school lol

Innit has been isolating himself in his room a lot more, he has only let shroud in so far and a has only came out to go walk around outside or eat and his eyes are usually puffy and red, just dull in general they were dark and broken again, just like in exile. today he seemed more nervous and he had a paper in his hand, it looked like it was signed but i couldn't read it, it was in lime confused me on why he was so nervous.

"Hey im going to walk a-around ranboo, uh- i will-i will be back soon ok?" He said like he usually would but with an unusual shake to it not to mention the stuttering "be careful please" i ask and he shuts the door quietly.

Why was innit acting so odd this past week, he has been really happy and joyous the week before, he was ready for what we put in his way, why did it change so quickly after he got that damn letter!

..wait the letter..

..Whats in that letter? And more importantly who was is made and signed by..

..that looked was in a lime green...with a smile..


..there is only one person that uses a smile in their signatures..

...shit this isn't good if im correct that was from dream..that means innit is going to the prison! That means he could accidentally ruin my plans..or even worse!..what am i going to do.

"Tobee we need to get innit and quickly, if im correct he is going to the prison to visit dream." I say through the microphone "crap, really?" I hear through static "im on it." He says quickly

My leg starts to bounce ' what if he is in trouble?!'
'What of dream is going to manipulate innit to his side and-break him out!? 'What is going to happen to him?!"

"Ranboo..?" Tobee said he sounded worried "what?" I ask "di-did you go into enderwalk recently boo?" 'How am i supposed to remember those?...i guess that one day i blanked during...oh no' " i think i did blank on everything last Saturday..why?"

I hear him muttering something "well, innit is in the prison currently and i just heard something blow up in there, no one is allowed in or out for security reasons.." my eyes widened "you-fuck it! Break in if you need to, We need him out tobee! Do you hear me? Do what ever you need to!" I say hurriedly and i heard something loud through the earpiece and 'shit!' From far away " tobee! Are you ok tobee!?"


I put on my coat instantly and teleport to tobee there was a hole in the prison, but only a block or two deep, so no one could get a possible way to get in, and i see a chunk from an explosion and tobee near by it

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