A plan.

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Hey i know this is really short. But i had to at least make something for you guys. But i think im going to finish this very soon and not wright anymore, ive realized that im really not in the fandom anymore. And i can barely even try to make a new chapter for this, so this might end in one or two chapters from now, which will pr not be posted any time soon, i wanted to let you guys know because this was one of the only stories i loved to make, i love how much its progressed, i may even redo a few chapters, that may get me motivated to do more for the ending chapters.  NOW REAAAADD
( yes this is very rushed and very cringe)

Innit, finally walked out of the room in the to go search for where wilbur went, he seemed a lot different than expected and innit didn't know if he really liked that.

After looking around every room, he noticed wilbur wasn't there, " did he just up and leave? What the hell?" Innit asked "why would he just leave like that?" Innit was confused

Was it because of him? Was he to much? Maybe it was how he reacted? He couldn't tell, either way it was making him more frustrated just trying to think of an actual excuse for himself.

Then he remembered, he had to find wilbur, something clicked as he thought about it though.

Wilbur just couldn't be who he used to be,and he wouldn't try to either. And that hurt. Was that how tobee and ranboo felt? He knew he wasn't the sane after his revival, but he never tried to be himself either...just like wilbur.

But the whole reason he was really a villain in the first place was to keep them safe! And now, he isn't even hanging out with them. He prioritized vengeance and his brother.

When both dont really matter as much as his two best friends.

He needed to find wilbur before something happens.

He needed to find Wilbur before it was to late.

But how?

He made his way out of the underground lab and went straight back to the old house. And knocked on the door, because though he had the key, he wasn't sure he was exactly..welcome after what had happened.

Not to long after someone answered the door

"Innit?" They asked hesitantly. "Yeah, thats me." He said looking up "you know you have the key right?" They asked.

innit was going to say something along. ' no shit i didn't know if you actually want me here or not because i was a dick' but he didn't, instead he said"yeah, i didn't want to be rude and barge in, you know?"

"Dude," they snickered "did you hit your head on the way here?"  They asked a grin plastered on their face and in the background he heard "ranboo!" In a disappointing tone. "Sorry tobee" they yelled back

Gods, it felt like home again to him, before he could even think he hugged ranboo

To ranboos confusion innit forced out a small "sorry for these few days" 

"We are just glad your back, its been bland around here without you, you know that?" Ranboo said as he pulled out of the hug and took innit inside.

"Ive changed a bit" he said to ranboo " if you couldn't tell by the new look." Innit laughed but paused  " and how i acted.." he muttered "you just got revived, honestly, you not being...exactly..sane doesn't really bother us as much as you being gone." Ranboo said

"Honestly, it helps us, just be yourself. You were a lot more hesitant before, with plans, but with the new change, lets say.. its definitely an advantage for our plans" tobee added as he walked out of  the kitchen

"Tobee dont say that!" Ranboo said

"What? Im not wrong!" He fired back

Innit remembered the whole purpose of getting here so quickly " WILBUR IS ALIVE." He blurted " he isnt the same. Thats where i ran off to. We hung out, then fought and he left. But i dont Trust him." He further explained his tail anxiously swayed from side to side.

"Well your also not the same." Tobee said "you scared me half to death. Your-" ranboo slapped their hand over tobee's mouth to stop the argument before it began. But it was to late.

"Im what" innit asked, the red flashing behind his eyes.

"YOUR  untrustworthy because YOUR fucking insane tom. Your dangerous. The  enhanced powers the devil-like horns and tail. Your a hazard." Tobee said after he pried ranboos hand off of his face

He already cane to that conclusion, but it being clarified by his best friend just hurt.

Tommy left the house and went to the direction of his old dirt hut once again. God that place was old.

Walking along the path he was thinking to himself.
"If i really am that dangerous, and scary, then why not give them a real reason to be scared of me?"

Then he thought 'because they are practically me family.' He couldn't hurt them

As he neered his house he sighed

He should of known they wouldn't want him back.

Welp it was time to settle back into the dusty home he once knew.

"Here we go"

Some risks might be worth it,  you know?<DISCONTINUED >Where stories live. Discover now