Chapter 6: WHOA! thats new!

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To be completely honest it didn't seem like innit needed to get 'adjusted' into his new role,he actually seemed to like it!

Though he wouldn't be smiling or laughing lots, he tried to fake it just for his friends sometimes, but when he actually smiled or laughed? It was a treat to all of them, because usually TNTinnit would stay mostly numb or sad, they only could say it was because of his trauma but it wasn't exactly like that soon we should know why..

He seemed to lock away from The world more Often than not and he wasn't talking to anyone if it was a 'bad day' though if it was a 'good day' it wasn't all that different, he would say just More than a few words then go outside, sometimes there were explosions to be heard with Manic laughs and maybe one or two 'f-ck you's on the way other times it was silent which was Most the time actually Yet The first one was more of a past kinda thing.

Tobee and ranboo need to figure this out,but will it get out of hand? :)
(Ps someone died lol)
((This is totally real information))
(((Dont get to attached!)))

for now we will never know , this is all your getting for the new chapter that will be extremely long, it will take a couple days! But im super excited about it!

WORD COUNT TIMEE :300! (Why so smol :-;)

You know, just because i can, im going to make something out of this, and yes,its not an actual chapter (no sh-it) but hey, i gotta make a yt channel right?? Im making it right now and once i get the channel up ill tell you the name! (THIS IS A GACHA ACC!) if you all want you can give me ideas for said channel! Just leave them down in the comments:) i will see you all very very soon!

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