Chapter one: Strange encounter.

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A flashback to that may or may not be a part of wilburs insanity speach because i couldn't think of anything else-
If you see more tell me ok? Stay safe bye my stars!

Ranboo whispered to Tubbo_ and Tommyinnit: Hey, can you guys come over to community house?

Tommyinnit whispered to Ranboo and Tubbo_: sure one second, i can grab Tubbo!

Ranboo whispered to Tommyinnit: thanks Tommy

" tubbo we got to go!" Tommy said " what do you mean? You never told me why you are going to the community house anyway? Whats up man." Tubbo asked " im not telling you now come on" tommy grabs tubbo's wrist and runs out of the door

" now whats up" tubbo asked " well we are meeting ranboo at the community house, they told me to grab you so i did, like a normal person would do." Tommy explained " by going into my house when i was trying to get Michael to sleep?" Tubbo asked in a deadpanned toned " exactly big man!" And tommy walked faster-paced

"Did he ever tell you why they wanted to see us?" Tubbo asked "probably wanted to hang out or something i dont know" tommy swatted away tubbo's concerns

Tommys eyesight was poor but when he rounded the corner with tubbo he knew something was off, he could only see a pink blur at first but when he got closer he seen it was ranboo, in a pink suit with high heals and in Tommy's mind he could almost hear ' Gate-keep girl-boss!' And it made him almost laugh.

" hello you two" ranboo said after tommy calmed down and tommy immediately got suspicious of him, it was visible that tommy tensed up it almost reminded him of when wilbur asked for tommy to just kinda 'switch sides'

" you both fully realized how we have been the center to every bad thing this SMP has to offer, the manipulating ,death ,war ,betrayal-"

" dream in general " tommy adds and ranboo looks at him " sorry, continue" he said

" well you know im kinda sick of it all so i thought of a solution, if we could somehow put them in their place then we won't be picked on."

Tommy instantly got the message he was slipping into the sentence " dont beat around the fucking bush ranboo just tell is what the hell you want" he said in a serious tone

" well because we have no villains whatsoever i thought 'why not?" You know? So i cane to ask you both, why not try be the bad guys for once?"

Tommys world went blank, his ears began to ring it became loud and he remembered pogtopia, with wilbur


" wilbur" tommy sighed and moved on " the reason we made L'Manburg in the first place was to get away from it alright? The only reason they are working together now because-they- the reason tha-that we did all the blood that-that we did all the bloodshed- and- and the pain was because we needed L'Manburg and if there isn't L'Manburg then whats the point in this server alright?" Tommy said trying to keep up his confidence

"I know why your doing this tommy," a smile slowly forms on Wilburs face, showing his insanity " i know-i see it in your eyes i see it, i can hear it in your voice tommyinnit, your scared. Tommyinnit your scared people will think differently of you tommy when i said you weren't going to be president, you have got to understand that wasn't- that wasn't a challenge , thats true your never going to be president tommy. And i can hear it in your voice your trying to sound like you know what your doing so that you can prove me wrong but tommy none of us know what we are doing we're fucked we were fucked the minute we were thrown out, cuz shlatt knows, he is a smart man-he knows that if we fight him even if we beat him we've lost, if he fights us and kills us? We've lost. Tommy there is no in between he knows we've lost."

Wilbur takes a deep breath " and tommy i know your scared, i understand your scared and its a scary- its scary tommy but you know what-you know what in a time where a man has nothing to lose do you know what that means?" Wilbur asked

"What does it mean" tommy mumbled " it means we can do what we want, we have a man on our side who literally rigged our nation with TNT, we can do the same to them-we can rig this festival with TNT we can kill them all tommy-tommy have you not noticed that has claimed to be on our side-their lying to us! Tubbo? He is lying to you man! He would drop us the second he realizes we arnt in the lead anymore ok-" " no no no no stop it!"

END OF FLASHBACK ( why did i go through that whole speech wilbur did for this bit thooo"

Tommy are you with us now? Tubbo asked " yeah-why wouldn't i be?" Tommy asked a little bit shaken up by the unpleasant memory " you just staring with your hands cupping your ears and you stood there hyperventilating"

Oh shit, that wasn't good " oh i just kinda remembered something that triggered me i guess"

Tommy started to walk away he couldnt take and Villainy shit today especially with his only friends " where are you going?" Ranboo asked " I'll come back tomorrow in just not feeling great today, you know?" And he left

"Well? What about you tubbo?"
" i will see, i have to think it through"

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