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Background Check

He remembers lying on the floor with his brothers and sisters, all of them terrified as bullets went flying into the ceiling. -- Went to University very proud -- Special skill program recruited by Aliens – sponsored by government-- Went to alien home planet one of many imports -- Innovation-invention program – brain driven Demo tryouts a new technology--Worked with Joe – Earth interior -- Very patient humble temperament – careful but coming to group training -- First day did the leap – individual/small groups large groups -- The SNAP pp the effort of using an end as an amplifier – smart but humble- What the trailer and life on the planet is like. Proud of the university degree-- But more so of the alien training because it would always be a secret. Went to the -- US for a scout trip and heard talk about wet markets and was ashamed. Pushed the -- Skill but kept the soft-spoken relaxed temperament. The mellow sell was part of -- It but she kept characteristics to herself. Getting to use a large, dangerous drug-injected -- Brain amplifier – training-sometimes there was an accident—another time she killed -- Somebody –just a training mishap do not worry about it. She began to look at her training -- In a different way. Knew people in the Kenyan military- classmates from college and high -- School were drafted in – maybe what happened to her was a form of training. -- The killing had been done by mind, not by a gun. -- What the shaman planet is like – The Machine – Joe is tendng her – missing her family – has to disappear for five years – comes back and the time is the same. It's a flash in the eyes and a kick in the back of the head. A second person who is a warrior, an invisible balloon drifting into the territory. An amplifier. What it looks like. They will be away for months but it's only a flash to them. She is a covert double person with a traditional headdress and a meek demeanor.

First training then a basis in another field – a Specialist. Designing the machines and designing the -- jumps. Like art plus magic. She wants to do more with this and become a wizard. -- How they appear similar to Joe – A Motley Crew as the band would call it – Recruiting class technical and science fiction -- technology, a covert warrior with specialty skills, the ability to throw a force wave. Transport big crowds of people at tome time – have to pack – where are they going? It's like a freeze and they come back –insta—homes or they are settled in a new place.-- Packs inside and leaning over it. Ringing in the head. Losing family and background.

Teleport and vanish but they are safe.

Flash-Bang-The Rapture

I am Noah's Arc chief designer for (Date) on technology of object-3D printing and becoming. We have known about this for months. It is part of a chain of events – explosives set of alien experiments centered on Yellowstone Park which is the master Candera on the planet and has been known about for years.

This is separate from the animal airlift in that it is a mass beaming transport.

I have known about this tech for a long time. Am working with aliens from the shaman planet. Here's how it works:

There are forces on each in Moon 2 and the Alien Planet.

This is a company formed by proxy to do this massive task. I am used to large project. The planet is in chaos. Separate stories / separate things going on.

This is part of the story/part "Earth". Experienced with one startup that was extremely sly and went bad but I was chosen because of my experience with risk. It is terrifying but one learns how to keep one's nerve.

Am a Nairobi native – grew up in the City and did the University. My origin is within Kibera – a long story which I will spare you, the short version of which I have learned to handle anything and keep my head. Like what? You don't want to know.

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