Wolf God Man God

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A mysterious face flashes into being at the entrance to the den.

Wolf heart deep in memory and

transfer of hive mind ubiquitous

Something that preceded humans

spawned from a tamer self to help them

It entered their ancient story

A wolf-human transfiguration

A hint of something longer still

Original name Lykos

Human name Apollo

Became the Sun God

Wanted you to meet him

I don't think this was a dream but here's what happened...

I worked late that night and came in on the shuttle. Cassandra was waiting like she knew something I didn't. I wanted to go to sleep and the dream kept me up...

There was a soft footstep outside the door and an enormous wolf appeared with shining eyes. I had not seen him before; he seemed to shimmer. The sun had gone down but it was light overhead and it faintly shone on him like he was a sun god/wolf god.

How could this be? Wolves in their natural form hunt in the dark. That was what was so unusual about the artificial hunt we were at before.

He must have come from somewhere else in Moon 2, since it was immense. There were many wolves elsewhere even though he had not been one of them.

Did you notice him? I telepathed Cassandra.

The cubs know him better than I do.

Should I scan him?

His message came to me both telepathic and spoken: Actually l have two names. I will tell you the first now and the second at the end. My first name is Lykos, for when I am in this shape.

All of a sudden a vast info stream came gushing out and took over our senses—an early incarnation at the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean like an epic cinematic telepathy wave—eons in the past he had roamed the ancient peoples and tribes over the course of hundreds of years, stories and battles and caves and wolves over generations and generations.

I bless you both—you are the breeding male and female of this pack now.

I come for the naming of a new alpha: that's how I maintain continuity from the past, present, and into the future. I will teach you the wolf way when you sleep at night. It will flow into your head and memory.

Pay close attention, because I will give this to you only once: and the onslaught resumed until pausing

He unleashed another torrent of the secret history of wolves always at the edge of civilization. He transformed into a familiar god whose name I had heard before in my covert education with books.

I sensed a sea of ships full of soldiers and a coast with a war that lasted a decade and ended with a massive deception hidden in a huge wooden horse.

I looked at the vision he had flashed and said, I know that story. I don't remember you, or any wolves being in it.

He said I stirred up the seas, and caused the ships to be lost. I evolved, and during the centuries before and after became another god

I saw it in a vision: he launched up in the air and become another god in a form that resembled a human.

Suddenly the sun blazed out..:


Now he was a product of the dreaming of humans because through the shiny golden façade covering him like the sun, it both came and went. But he had a sorcerer's temper, and roared and thundered. He did not do that as a wolf.

But he taught Cassandra how be an alpha wolf and gave her lessons in fight scenes in his wolf form. The vicious charging and snapping teeth tore her open and then healed after. Cassandra stood still and took it.

And then many gods swarmed, like a vision of the kingdom on Olympus, and they turned into humans and back again.

It grew dark. An earth-shaking thunderclap and another vision appeared: a helicopter chases after a running herd of wolves, raining bulletsfrom its gatling gun at them in midstride.

And I said, What is this? Is this happening now?

Apollo said, It is coming from the time in which you lived and came from. It is real, not a story.

I had to ask, This has come from my own time?

(The "Wolf-God Man-God" narrative about Apollo is an actual anthropological theory based on similar found indications.)

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