4 - A rainy afternoon (present)

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When the door of the trailer is suddenly yanked open, I flinch and drive around. A wet Yoongi appears in the entryway with two thermal mugs, wiping his shoes on the doormat. "Oh my, what happened?" He shakes his head. "Have you looked outside?" I look out the window in wonder - it's pouring rain.

The first large puddles of mud are forming on the ground, which can't absorb the incoming amounts of water at all quickly. My gaze snaps back to Yoongi. "Oh.", it escapes me dryly. Yoongi exhales audibly, walks over to me at the table, and sets the mugs of coffee down in front of me. My thermal mug glints temptingly at me in matte pastel purple. "Two sugars was right, wasn't it?" asks Yoongi. I wrap my hands around the warming mug and close my eyes briefly. "Yes right. Thank you." "Not for this." he waves off immediately, embarrassed, before facing me. "Shall we get started?" I nod.

The next time I look at my watch, we've both been working on the lyrics for two hours. We divide the song so that he takes over the rap part in the verses and I sing the vocal line in the chorus. Of course, it's a song about love. The song we're working on is about a boy who played with a neighbor girl when he was a kid. They get older and the feelings change. Both are insecure and too shy to tell the other how they each feel about each other and then the girl moves away. Only after many years do they meet again by chance and it ends with the long-awaited kiss.

To be honest, I didn't expect Yoongi to be so enthusiastic about the idea. After all, he's always so cool and almost nothing can upset his poker face. I'm overjoyed that he's working with me on another project. Besides, I would never have expected such a good friendship to develop between us over time. I sigh to myself, lost in thought, as I look closer at his concentrated face.

When he feels my gaze on him, Yoongi's pen-wielding hand stops on the paper and he looks up. Except for the patter of rain on the roof of the trailer, the room is silent. "'You okay?" he finally asks, and I jerk up from my stupor. With blushing cheeks, I turn my attention back to my notepad in front of me, which by now is filled with various rhymes and lyrics-texts. "Mhm...", I make short, staring at the lined paper while pressing my lips together. Yoongi laughs softly, but says nothing else and returns to his work.

Two more hours pass. Now we're already working on crafting a melody around the merged lyrics of him and me. Yoongi plays a few introductory beats over his mobile mixer and I start humming along. We change here and there something at the speed, then there still another small thing and finally my concentration is not enough for working any more...

"Shh, Yoongi!" I murmur to him across the table. He looks up from his laptop and flinches as I hit him between the eyes with a small paper ball. I laugh dirty, tilting my head back. " Really?" he returns, but I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Don't get too excited. Here, catch!" A crumpled-up DinA4 paper flies into my face. I tear my eyes open. "Oh...hoho...you didn't do that." Yoongi shrugs angelically - eyes now fixed on his pad, lips twisted into a smirk. "Well wait!" I exclaim, grabbing his hand.

"Zoey, what the heck are you doing...oh no.... Please don't." But I'm already drawing a smiley face with mono-brow on his right finger knuckle. "My revenge is horrifying," I say, giving my Evil Laugh. "Yeah..." he replies dryly, looking at my work. ""Your drawing skill is indeed fearsome..."" He starts laughing at the top of his lungs as I give him a playfully hurt look at his observation and start to swat at him. Then I sit over on his side of the table and begin to poke him in the side, which makes him wince again and again in laughing protest.

When our little scuffle ends, we're both completely out of breath and our cheeks glow red with heat. I would never have thought that Yoongi would let anyone outside of BTS get so close to him. We close our notebooks and I help him put the equipment together. As I glance at my wristwatch, I realize it's already 6:30pm. Yoongi notices my glance. "Do you still want to have dinner with me and the boys?" My reply is a grateful smile. Together we leave the trailer and walk through the rain, which is now starting to let up, over to the house....

When the other members hear that I would eat together with them, suddenly they all offer to help in the kitchen... But cooking together with BTS is a bigger challenge in real life than I ever thought possible. While Yoongi and I chop the vegetables, Jungkook keeps darting around the kitchen island - followed by an excitedly raging, flour-smeared mochi named Jimin. Namjoon uses his full concentration to avoid accidentally dropping three more eggs on the floor, and Jin sings his dad jokes in all their ups and downs while stirring the bowl like a mommy with a whisk.

Just when I think it can't get any more chaotic, the next tomato - fired at Tae - flies over my head and hits Namjoon's pants. He asks for a little more quiet in the kitchen...and while turning around with the cooking spoon with which he had previously stirred the sauce, splashes everything and everyone around him: He forgot to let go of the spoon before turning around. Tae instantly grabs a kitchen towel and laughingly wipes up gravy blobs from the floor. Then, with an innocent expression on his face, he walks over to Jimin and puts it around his collar like a drool bib. "So our little Jimini doesn't get dirty." The latter then rams his elbow into his stomach. And just as they threaten to bash each other's heads in.... "Aaaach guys, guys, guys...", J-Hope intervenes, shaking his head, and grabs Tae with a right and Jimin with a left. Both fidget briefly, but then surrender to the headlock and hold still.

Hoseok closes his eyes briefly and exhales in meditation before looking up at the ceiling. "This can't go on with you guys. Please...we have a lady guest here." I smirk at his play. Suddenly Hobi releases them both, grabs a clean wooden spoon on the kitchen island in a flash, and smacks both of their butts with it, one after the other. "Hey!", "Ow, what are you doing?!", they complain and a new scuffle, from which Hobi's infectious laugh clearly emerges, ensues in the kitchen. Skillfully, Yoongi - completely focused on his work - dodges a passing potato and sighs. Whether it's an annoyed or indulgent sigh, however, is hard to tell.

Suddenly Jungkook appears behind me. "Hey! How far along are you?" he asked, looking hungrily at the ingredients that had been distributed. Wordlessly, I placed a stalk of parsley on his hair. "It would go faster if everyone pitched in properly..." commented Yoongi dryly - now completely engrossed in marinating the pork belly. Kookie grabs the stalk from his mop of hair and starts crunching away at it. "Awh...look how cute!" exclaims Tae, pointing an index finger at JK and simultaneously taking a picture of him with his cell phone in his other hand. Jimin climbs in. "Ooooh, what a cute cooky bunny!" Jungkook's gaze turns menacingly sinister and attaches itself to both of them. Taehyung and Jimin look at each other. "Run!" they shout in sync, taking to their heels. "Well wait!" shouts JK, grabbing the two halves of my halved onion and taking up pursuit across the house. The rest of the parsley falls orphaned to the floor.

When the three Maknaes have left the room, it becomes a little quieter. Yoongi sighs again and Namjoon shakes his head in silence. Jin seems to be enjoying the whole atmosphere and at the same time immersed in his own world. Meanwhile, Hoseok begins to clean up the mess a bit - I see a warm smile on his lips....

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