4 - Tada

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It should take another five weeks until I met him the next time. Since we had exchanged our numbers, our messages amounted in the meantime to something like 1 million - ...at least. In the meantime, a dumb grin even appeared on my face every time my cell phone rang. However, Taehyung had never been able to promise me that he would actually be able to come to arranged meetings. I resigned myself to this and went about my daily life as I always had: with new bruises from somewhere every day, whining customers and the animals at Lucky Ones. On the weekends I took care of the condition of the apartment with Jenny and then in the evenings I watched movies with her that were on TV.

When I opened my eyes this morning, my stupid alarm clock was omnipresent again. Trying to turn it off, I now also finally managed to throw it broken. Well, after all, it had been doing what it was supposed to do for 10 years: Wake me up. Right after the alarm went silent, I reached for my cell phone. Tae had sent me a selfie of himself, in which the neckline of his T-shirt was very generous and I caught a small glimpse of his trained chest. Lost in thought, I began to chew on my lower lip. I lay back in the pillows and snapped a picture of me in bed for him. Then I sent him a small and innocent morning message wishing him a nice day. He replied with a winking smiley face and then referring to my selfie .... With a heart. The first time he sent me...a HEART?! Then he wished me a nice day and when I asked him what was on his agenda today he replied that he was going to visit a restaurant with the guys. I got up and prepared myself for the day. Today I didn't have to go to the shelter after work. It was Friday and I had gotten time off for the weekend.

I met Jenny in the kitchen, already standing by the open window with a coffee mug in her hand. "Isn't it a beautiful morning, Demi?" She turned and looked at me out of her blue eyes. I glanced out the window. The sun was shining in the cloudless sky. Due to the fact that it had rained yesterday, the smell of damp leaves and summer permeated the apartment. I loved the smell - and so did Jenny, apparently. "It's wonderful." so I replied to her question, stood next to her with my coffee, and looked out into the quiet, green courtyard. "You Demi? I'm out tonight. Remember I told you about that guy I met two weeks ago? We're doing something together tonight and I plan on going to his place." I nodded with a knowing smile. "Okay, well have fun then. But if you want me to come over and beat him up when he does something you don't want him to do - let me know, okay?" She laughed and patted my shoulder gently before going to get ready to leave the house.

The day at the store dragged along like that. There were a few more difficult customers and a few pleasant ones who asked me a wide variety of questions about fashion. I answered to the best of my knowledge, hoping not to start a discussion or attack anyone personally. During the small break I took with a colleague around noon, I sat in the small break room and ate some salad. On warm summer days, I always managed to eat larger portions only towards the evening. The afternoon then also seemed not to want to pass. When it was finally 4:00 p.m., I started to clean up the clothes that had been left behind in the locker room.

I was sorting polo shirts in the men's section when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Excuse me, do you also have a corner for Gucci?" I turned to the customer - an appropriate response on my lips - and froze in surprise for a small moment. Then I blinked in disbelief. "Taehyung?" He shrugged innocently. "Tada!" He was wearing a loose T-shirt and loose pants made of light material. I ran my hands to my head and whooped with joy. "Oh my god! It's you!" I laughed and greeted him with a savage hug, which he returned. He then held me longer than usual for a normal greeting and I lifted my head to look him in the face. His smile slowly melted me and his smell was so intoxicating that it almost got me high. I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts before I could ask a sensible question. "How...when...", I groaned impatiently at myself. Then I took another deep breath before looking at him again. "How did you get here?" Now we released ourselves from the embrace and he let his hands disappear into his pants pockets. "Well, I told the guys about you and they wanted to meet you..." he began, but alarm bells started ringing right away in my head. Hectically, I looked around to see if I could spot the other members in the store. "Everything's fine," Taehyung reassured me. "They're waiting outside in the van." I nodded and inconspicuously wiped my damp hands on the fabric of my jeans. "Would you like to go out to dinner with us and hang out for a bit? I think you had written that you only had to work until 4:30 today." I had indeed done that.

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