5 - Your Moon

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After this afternoon, my heart and I were completely overcome. I cursed myself for not having made clearer advances earlier. Now I only had this one ('freshly fallen in love') week left before I had to go home. Jin's closeness always took my breath away. Since that afternoon, we were stuck together more than before. Our activities together were now complemented by us openly showing our affection for each other. Jin loved to just take my hand on walks and I loved the way he would then put his arm protectively around my shoulder a short time later and pull me closer to him. His boys - the other BTS members - teased him from time to time and teased him a little in my presence, but Jin didn't seem to mind at all. In the meantime, Hanna and Namjoon had become a bit closer as friends. At least I had the impression that she was often looking for excuses to go over and ask him about something trivial.

Tonight, Hanna went over to the boys again. This time, however, it was more because she didn't want to interrupt Jin and I on our date. I had still rolled my eyes when she made implied comments and made comments about how clichéd I thought her comments were, but somehow a small part of me was hoping for...well - clichéd - more tonight. It was our last night here at the lake. Tomorrow Hanna and I would be traveling home.

About 20 minutes after Hanna was out the door on her bike, I rushed through the house and picked up a few last-minute preparations for my date on the house dock: two soft cushions to sit on, a blanket to snuggle up in, a few candles in wind-protecting glasses.

It's way too cheesy, I thought as I looked at my work. But now I didn't have time to make any more changes, because Jin had already reached the pier in his rowing boat. "Good evening, my lady." He winked charmingly at me and my heart leapt for joy. I playfully dropped into a little curtsy. "Good evening, my lord," I caught the line he threw me and tied it to the dock. Then I gave him a hand to help him out of the boat. "Wow," he said in amazement when he saw the arrangement. I sheepishly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Maybe it's a bit exaggerated... I think something crossed my mind... Maybe I should read some less romantic books...!" Jin wrapped me in his arms and kissed me softly. When his lips released me, he smiled gently. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before." Instantly, I relaxed and smiled back. "Didn't say anything."

As we sat leaning shoulder to shoulder on the pier and fed each other small snacks, it gradually became dark around us in the twilight of the sunset. The first crickets began to chirp, the birdsong gradually faded into the background and the first stars slowly appeared in the sky. As the moon rose above the forest in the night sky opposite the footbridge, Jin and I had already wrapped ourselves up in the blanket and were watching its rising together. Today the light seemed more yellowish than usual, but the moon also seemed a little bigger. Sighing, I leaned my head against Jin's strong shoulder. "Can we freeze this moment?" "Just a moment, I'll see if there's any space left in the freezer," he joked back and laughed briefly when I playfully poked him in the side. Then he freed his arm from the blanket and put it around me to pull me closer. When our eyes met, he smiled. "You know Emmi..." he began without breaking eye contact. "...there's no place I'd rather be right now than here with you." I leaned my head slightly and smiled at him. My hand ran over his cheek. "For me, it's just you and this evening at the moment. I don't want time to continue running." A kiss landed on my lips, then one on my nose, forehead and again on my mouth. I slowly lowered myself onto my back while Jin followed me until he was half lying on top of me.

After we had lain there kissing for a while, it was Jin who was the first to detach himself and stand up a little so that we could look up at the sky again. "Did you know that Jupiter has 12 moons?" he said next to me, lost in thought. When I risked a sideways glance out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Jin was still observing the starry sky as he spoke. "In contrast, the earth with its one moon always used to seem poor to me," he mused. I leaned on my forearms, tilted my head and looked at him. "Poor?" I repeated and Jin gave a short snort. "Yes. At least that's how I used to think as a child... just like the difference between 12,000 won and 1,000 won or something... but do you want to know what I think now?" His gaze flitted to me for a moment. "The earth is rich because she doesn't have to share this single moon. She always keeps him close to her, holds on to him and doesn't let him go. The moon illuminates her shadowy side and does not move away from her. He stays with her - in her orbit. He sets her tides. If he were not there, nature would lose its balance. They are and always have been destined for each other." Now his calm gaze settled on me. "The moon needs its earth. Without her, he would be alone, lost and aimlessly searching the universe." Jin stroked my hair with one hand and began to hum. Then the melody stopped for a moment. "I... wrote a song." I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "It's called 'Moon'... and it's for you, Emmi." Then he began to sing softly for me. My heart filled with love that couldn't be put into words and my eyes filled with tears. I had never heard him sing before, this was the first time. It was also the first time that someone I liked very much had written me a song and sung it softly to me. At the sound of his soft voice, I closed my eyes for a moment before I looked at him again... and then back to looking at the moon and stars as I listened. The tears ran down my cheeks in small rivulets and Jin carefully dabbed them away without interrupting the song. He sang softly and with such gentleness that I got goose bumps.

"...all for you...", he finished his song and looked deep into my eyes. Still with tears in my eyes, I looked at him through the haze and tried to burn this wonderful moment into my memory. I didn't want to lose even the smallest detail. "Jin..." was all I manage to get out with a lump in my throat. He gave me a mischievous smile and dabbed my cheek again. Then he bent down and timidly began to kiss away more tears. Just as he was about to catch a tear near the corner of my mouth, I quickly turned it away so that Jin's lips met mine instead. My hand went to the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me. With his free hand, Jin stroked my upper arm gently before stopping abruptly and breaking the kiss. Before I could even ask why, Jin spoke up. "You're getting cold...let's go into the house, I don't want you to get cold..." Holding his gaze, I pushed myself to my knees and then up onto my feet. Then I leaned forward and held out a hand to him. He grabbed it and let me help him up - still wrapped in the blanket. Then he wrapped it around both of us and, snuggled together, we started to walk back along the pier to the house. "I love him..." I murmured and Jin turned his face towards me. "...your song...", I explained and sheepishly brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. But Jin didn't say anything back, he just kept looking at me as we continued on our way.

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