3 - Shock severe distress!

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I felt the blood drain from my head as I looked at Suga with eyes widened in shock. He looked back at me, unblinking. I quickly rushed out of the recording room to him. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a serious face and tension in his voice. "Uh...I'm...uh...cleaning?", I stammered, watching him silently sigh, take off his glasses, and - visibly annoyed - massage his forehead. Discouraged, I slumped my shoulders. "Sorry, that was a lie. That is...I started cleaning here...but then...well, how shall I say...I wanted to try it out and..." "You didn't overwrite my new project though, did you?" he interrupted me, sitting down in front of the PC with concern. "I've been sitting on it for 3 weeks..." he muttered with his hand held out, its corresponding elbow propped on the tabletop, and I felt really stupid. "No, it should still be all there," I replied contritely, praying fervently to God that it was true. If I was the one who ruined a song by Suga himself, the army would kill me, revive me, and then kill me all over again!

Relieved, Suga leaned back in his chair. "It's all still there..." I could swear that you could hear the mountains falling from my heart. That's when Suga suddenly turned back to me. "You do know you're not officially allowed to touch anything here, right?!" he began angrily. "I could report you for that action." ...Oh fuck... I fell to my knees in front of him. "Oh please don't report me. I just wanted to come here to learn about music production, but they don't show me anything here." His eyebrow raised as he continued to look at me with an uninterpretable expression of waiting. "I'm so sorry. It was wrong what I did. But please don't report it. Please please. I will never go near any equipment again without permission! Please...", I pleaded, feeling very pathetic. Thoughtfully, Suga looked at me behind her hand. "You weren't shown anything?" he finally asked, and I shook my head. "No." "Hmm..." he continued to mutter thoughtfully to himself. "What you just sang didn't sound so bad...who's your mentor? You're an intern, right?" "Yes, I am. M-my mentor is Yu Soo-ri." "Your name?" "What?" Yoongi rolled her eyes impatiently. "What's your name?" "Oh...I-I'm Zoey Lincoln." "Okay Zoey. Please calm down. You're making me all nervous, as well as you're pacing here and tugging on your fingers." Instantly, I hid my hands behind my back and forced myself to calm down.

"Better.", Suga commented and rose from his chair. Stopping in front of me, he held out a hand, which I took hesitantly. As soon as our hands touched, Suga fixed me with his steady gaze. "So Zoey, I'm not going to report you. But I still need to have an urgent word with Yu Soo-Ri." I felt a chill run down my spine. Why did he want this? Suga's gaze became more insistent and involuntarily I moved a little closer when I realized he was about to speak again. "It can't be that he doesn't support your dream. After all, you're here to learn something. I'll see what I can do for you to teach you something else during your time here." ...WOW...just WOW. With my mouth open, I stared at him. "Oh...v-thank you so much...", I stammered, taken aback, and a mischievous grin appeared briefly on his face. "Good, now off home with you. We might see each other a time or two." ...All I could think at that moment was: your word in God's ears.

Two days later, I was preparing the meeting room when suddenly Yu Soo-Ri appeared in the doorway. "Zoey?" Instantly, I wheeled around. "Yes?" He casually unfolded his arms crossed in front of his chest and pushed himself off the frame. "Come with me." Everything froze inside me at his indifferent, cold tone. Was I flying out? Had Suga betrayed me after all?

Soo-Ri walked down the hall in front of me and I noticed that we were approaching the executive floor rooms. Oh no, was that it for me now? Soo-Ri opened a door, stepped through, and left it open for me. As I followed him in, the first thing I saw upon entering was Soo-Ri's superior sitting behind a huge desk. As my gaze roamed around the room, I spotted Suga standing relaxed in the back corner of the room in the background. What was going on here?

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