1 - Waiting for Yoongi

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I drum my fingers restlessly on the narrow table in front of me. The blank page of my notebook stares me in the face and the ballpoint pen can hardly wait to be used. Nervously, I stand up and look around Yoongi's trailer. On the opposite side of the table, Yoongi has set up some of his music equipment. His laptop is also open on it. Actually, he just wanted to get us a coffee from the dorm, but that was 10 minutes ago now.

I peek out the window and look into the garden, which again lacks any trace of a returning Yoonig. I groan impatiently. What is he doing? How can it take so long to make a coffee...or is the coffee maker about...broken? Hopefully not, I think. Sighing, I turn to my notepad and just start thinking of ideas for how I want to write my next song. But my thoughts quickly wander.

I quickly fall into daydreaming and memories - memories about how long I have been working with Yoongi in the meantime and what a good young friendship has developed out of it. I silently thank fate for giving me this internship, because otherwise I wouldn't have been lucky enough to meet him and his bandmates in person.

A noise from outside brings me back to the here and now. But it's only Jungkook, who is going for a walk with his dog Bam. I watch the two of them playfully walk to the garden gate and then disappear behind the next hedge.

I turn away from the window and let my gaze wander through the trailer again. A keyboard is neatly tucked away in a ceiling cabinet above. A few records and CD's can be found in one corner or another. Otherwise there is nothing in here that can distract you from your work. Typical Yoongi. My gaze wanders to the clock: He's been gone for 15 minutes now. I sigh and pick up my pen again. What am I going to write about? Hm... Once again, my mind wanders and drifts to the day I first met Yoongi...

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