Chapter one: Going to K.I.S.S!

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I'm laying comfortably in my bed and scrolling on TikTok. Summer break was almost over and I still haven't received a phone call. K.I.S.S, the International school I've applied in the beginning of summer has still not called me back. Even though I was deferred, I still thought that I somehow had a chance. God damn it. "UGHHHH." I yelled in my pillow. "Y/N Collins!" My mom shouted as she ran into my room in a rush.

"Why were you yelling just now?" She questioned me. "I'm just frustrated that this entire summer I haven't even gotten a phone call from K.I.S.S yet!" I groaned. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I NEED to get in." "Come on Y/N, even if you don't get in, it's ok." "You'll just complete your high school career at home." "Mom you don't understand, I wanted to go to places I've never been to before, I wanted to visit grandma's hometown, I wanted to do things she did to understand her!" I stated.

My mom noticed how upset I truly was and sat next to me and gave me a hug. "It'll be okay Y/N, it'll be ok." "You will definitely get in my straight A daughter!" My parents were stable financially, but a year at K.I.S.S was way to pricy, so I had to apply for a scholarship. Being the top student for all these years, I had an average of 99% and worked my ass off every single day to get these marks, meaning no parties, no fun, NOTHING. So yeah, this meant a lot to me.

"Ok sweetie, I'll leave you alone for a bit okay?" Mom said to me as she got up and closed the door softly. Maybe I need to go for a run or something. You know what?! Let's bake some damn cupcakes because I'm starving and I could use a treat. I got up and was about to get all the materials when my phone rang. I picked up and it was... K.I.S.S! OMG. Was this it?! I could feel my entire arm going numb but quickly clicked the accept button.

"Good afternoon is this Y/N Collins?" Asked a professional voice.

"Y-yes, this is she." I whispered in a squeak.

"We are pleased to inform you that your now off the waitlist and you can attend K.I.S.S for the entire year!" HOLY SHIT REALLY? "We've already sent an email informing you all the supplies you'll need and your plane ticket!"

"Omg?!" "Is this for real?" I questioned. I couldn't believe my ears! Thank you! All the gods that have been listening to me!

"Yes, this is for real, now do you officially accept?" The lady asked who I'm assuming is Principal Lim.

"Yes, yes I officially accept!" "Thank you thank you so much!" I screamed in delight.

"No worries, we hope to see you soon!"

*The phone call ended*

Woah! I got accepted?! How! "YESSSS!" I shrieked, loud enough for the whole entire neighbourhood could hear probably. I ran out of my room to the kitchen where my mother was cooking. "MOM GUESS WHAT?!" "You know what no guessing time I'll just tell you that I got into K.I.S.S!" My mother looked at me and started celebrating with me as we jumped up and down happily. "Honey that's amazing!" "See I knew you could do it!" Mom said proudly.

"I'M SO EXCITED!" Yep, I was still on cloud nine. "You know what, screw the cooking, I'll call your father and we'll go out and celebrate!"Unfortunately, I was very sad that my older sister couldn't be here with me in this moment. She's a couple years older than me and has already started her university program.

*The night before the adventure*

"Honey let's go over this again.." My mother started saying. "No mom, please don't." I groaned. We've been doing this all week and I'm literally losing my mind. Ignoring me, she and dad started telling me all these things, again. "First of all, NO SMOKING." "You are far too young and if we ever find out we will fly you right back home to us." "Yes mom, I think I know that." I rolled my eyes while saying so.

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