Chapter 12: Cooking & Confusion

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I was so tired from getting all of Kitty's groceries, I collapsed onto my bed right after Min Ho left. It was 8:30 when I woke up, which considering no school, was pretty great for me! I walked out into my kitchen to see Min Ho there already in his apron and cooking. Wait how the heck did he get in?

He finally noticed me and burst out laughing.

"You look angelic in the morning."

"How the heck did you get in?"

"Uh, Kitty opened the door before running off to somewhere."

I saw a big gift basket next to him.

"Who's this from?" I pointed at the basket.

"Uh my mother, gifts are my love language."

"That tracks." "Ooh pepero." I smiled as I started to reach for it but Min Ho smacked my arm with his spatula.

"She sent it all the way for Los Angelos since she couldn't be here!" "We usually celebrate together."

"That sucks." I decided to grab one of the ingredients.

He glanced at me before yelling. "Don't touch anything!" "Got a method."

I walked next to him and watched him chop vegetables.

"You know, I didn't know you would be useful at all." "There are these tiny microscopic moments when I know why girls want to date you, there's an actual person inside!" I poked at his chest playfully.

He quickly brushed off with his arms roughly.

"Don't try to get me on Kitty's side." "I'm famously anti-Kitty."

"She's actually super sweet!" I defended my great friend.

"Yeah, super sweet to leave us to do all of this."

"How's Dae?" I asked. "I haven't seen him all week."

"I'm not sure, Chuseok is definitely a difficult holiday for him since his mother well.. passed away."



"Finally, Lulu texted back."

"Let's start opening all of my ingredients!" "By the way, I'm telling Noah to come over so that he could help."

"Sure, love to meet that guy."

"He might not be the nicest, considering what you did." I started.

"Don't worry Y/N, I got this."

If you say so buddy.

*20 minutes later*

"Confirmed, Lulu will meet with me at the premises at 8:00pm tonight." Min Ho announced.

"Noah's here!" When I heard the knocks.

I opened the door and he was there with a chef hat and an apron.

"Hey you made it!" I said as I have him a hug.

"Will always be here when you need me love." He told me.

"Get a room." Min Ho groaned.

"Noah this is-." I started.

"I know." "It's Min Ho."

"Sup man and are we cool?" Min Ho asked.

For a second I thought they would even get into a fight or something but Noah surprised me by smiling and nodded.

"Nice bro." Min Ho laughed.

"What can I do Y/N?" Noah asked.

"Hmm, you can chop the vegetables or something." I instructed.

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