Chapter 7: Feelings?

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So there I was, walking with Min Ho again except this time we were actually chatting instead of a cold, icy silence filling the space between us. It was fun, I talked while he listened politely.

"What's your favorite food?" He questioned.

"That's actually a really hard decision, I'm a big foodie soooo." "Ok, don't laugh but it's dumplings!" "Especially the ones my grandma used to make.."

"Interesting, I thought you'd say hamburgers or something seeing as your so American."

I smacked my purse across his chest playfully and laughed as he winced.

"Lady I am not a punching machine!"

"You'd be a pretty good one."

"How'd your grandma make the dumplings?"

"Honestly I'm not too sure but she did leave us a recipe before she well.. you know."

"Can you send it to me?"

"Why?" "You're a cook?"

"Why yes I am."

"I thought rich people would just get handed their meals 24/7." I mumbled.

"Yeah, most people but not me."

You know what, maybe he can make it or something. I do miss my grandma's dumplings. I doubt it though. I sent my screenshot of the recipe to him.

"He stared at me before smiling and mouthing a quick thanks in my ear."

I could feel my heart pounding.

Suddenly, there was a big rock and I tripped on it! I was expecting to fall flat on my face but someone (Min Ho) caught me just in time. Our faces were inches apart and neither of us could speak. I swear my heart stopped. I didn't know what to do, I just can't help but stare at his gorgeous hair and dreamy eyes.

We stayed like that for like 10 more seconds before reality hit us and he slowly lifted me up.

"You okay?" He asked, his face filled with worry.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Sorry I took a little while, got lost in your eyes."

I didn't know if he was joking or serious by his face and tone, I really couldn't tell.

"I did as well." I admitted shyly.

"I love it when I make you blush."

"Shut up Min Ho."

Just then, I looked for my purse and realized that it was in a muddy puddle. Nooo. It was my favorite purse.

"Noo, my purse." I said sadly.

"Y/N, why are you so clumsy?" Min Ho questioned.

For a second I thought he was being serious, but then I heard that light laugh.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll buy you a new one, no 10 if you want."

"Min Ho, it's fine." "It just gave me a lot of memories over the past years." I explained whilst picking it up and brushing off the liquid.

"You don't change your purse every month?"

"I think you know the answer to that honey."

"I guess I do."

After 5 more minutes of walking, we finally made it to the cafe.

"Order whatever you want, my treat."

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