Chapter 21: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.1)

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Y/N's perspective:

I've had enough. I can't. No, I won't. I have to hide my real intentions for Min Ho well so that he'll stop getting his hopes up. This is how it's supposed to be. Him with another person.

I needed to find someone new. Someone who I truly love. Or will love.

That night, I had trouble sleeping. I tossed and turned, regretting what I did between Min Ho and I while thinking about how Noah's doing because it wasn't fair what I did to him. It was bitchy what I did. A mistake. I'm a coward.

I shoved my pillow on top of me and forced to get some sleep, even if it was only for a few hours. It was better then nothing.

*The next morning*

"Y/N rise and shine you little pie." Sang Mae cheerfully as she pushed the blanket I had on my face away.

I closed my eyes rapidly to avoid the gigantic light appearing through my vision.

"Mae with all due respect please shut the fuck up." I mumbled as I tried to continue sleeping peacefully.

She grinned at me before taking away my pillow too.

"Uh uh, you have to go to class with me and then get ready for the MADNESS PARTY!" She cheered.

"Ughhh." I groaned. I didn't want to go today, didn't feel like it.

"Can I just not go?" I looked at her with hopeful eyes.

She gave me a playful glare.

"No?" "I literally begged you until you said yes, no backing out now!"

"You guys can still go without me..." I tried to escape but she grabbed my arm forcefully.

"No way Y/N." "You can't miss out because of Min Ho's asshole behaviour." Mae muttered as she folded her clothes.

"It's kind of my fault though about the whole situation." I said quietly.

"Hey hey it's okay girly." "I'm here for you anytime ok?" She said as she gave me a reassuring smile.

I pulled her closer towards me for a hug. "Thank you Mae for being a great friend." I mumbled.

She patted my back.



*Later that day*

I spent the entire morning and afternoon going to classes for upcoming exams in two weeks with Kitty and Mae.

When we finally finished our school day, Mae forced us to go back to our dorm with her to pick out our dresses.

She grabbed two dresses and showed them to us.

"Which one?" She asked.

I glanced over.

The first dress was a bright orange but not in a sickening way, with sequins and sparkles all over the place. It was also a very skinny little dress.

The second dress was a light blue dress with puff sleeves and super tight looking near the chest while super flexible and puffy on the bottom skirt area.

"Second one definitely."

"Yep." Agreed Kitty.

Mae shook her head helplessly.

"But I have a orange headband perfect for that dress." She countered.

"Then wear that." I spat out since I was so tired of picking dresses. She had over 20 dresses in her wardrobe. We'd already spent 20 minutes picking the dress.

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