Chapter 24: Struggles

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"Y/N, don't cry." Min Ho said to me as he quickly closed the gap between us and gave me a warm hug.

I hid my face in his hoodie so nobody could see me. I wanted to escape away from this world, go away to another dimension.

"I- I can't believe it." I said in between sobs.

"What's going on Y/N?" Min Ho asked softly.

I looked up at him, noticing his beautiful mouth with a dimple. He only had one dimple which was on the left side of his face. It made me love him way more then I already did. Him coming out to talk to me, comfort me. I didn't deserve him.

He pushed some hair away from my face which was covering my vision and pulled me closer to his face. Our noses were almost touching.

"Will you please tell me what's bothering you?" Min Ho asked again, desperate to know.

He deserved to know, he's the one who's helping my broken heart.

I nodded a little, and we both sat down on the cold floor.

"I- I."

I didn't want to say it out loud, that would mean that this entire thing was true. That my dad was sick. I refused to believe it. Not my dad. I would never guess that it was my dad who'd ended up sick. He was always so happy, so cheerful. Always eating healthy and caring about others health before his. He was an angel, my perfect dad.

Min Ho pulled my head on his chest and squeezed my shoulders softly.

"My dad...." "He's sick." I said at last. It was difficult saying it out loud.

"Y/N." Min Ho's voice cracked. "I'm so sorry." "I know you hate to hear this but it's something anyone would say in this type of conversation, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, your already helping me a lot." I admitted, trying hard not to cry again. I didn't want more mascara on his poor hoodie.

"I'm here Y/N, I'll always be here." Min Ho assured me as he gave me soft back rubs.

"I don't even know how sick he is or what the sickness is, I just hung up." I admitted. "God that was so rude of me." I thought.

"No, no it's perfectly reasonable to hang up and to think about the situation yourself first, although I do believe that it's a good idea to call your parents back since they're probably really worried about you."

It made perfect sense. I didn't want to call and know what the sickness was. I didn't want that at all. I wished that I could travel back in time so that I never even heard this.

"You really didn't have to help me you know." "I mean I was so rude to you and being a total bit-"


Min Ho put his finger on my lips. I stared at him breathlessly. No one has ever made me feel like this even though I've told myself again and again that I've hurt him way too many times.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered, cursing in my head at how dumb that sounded like.

"I want to be here for you." "Your a great friend and your just going through a rough time." "I'm going to help you whether you like it or not.

I fake groaned, then burst into laughter, which Min Ho happily joined. I brushed my tears away, and stared up at him happily. He really was such an angel, even though at times he definitely doesn't act like it.

He ruffled my head playfully to which I didn't reject since he already did so much for me.

"Min Ho and Y/N, get back into the library this instant!" Yelled Professor Lee furiously, a scowl drawn all over his face as he marched back into the room sharply.

Min Ho and I turned to each other, then continued to laugh before making our way back to the library, feeling lighter then before.

We walked to Professor Lee's desk in the library.

"Where have you guys been?" "It's been 20 minutes!" He barked.

"Um, it was an emergency, I-"

"Y/N lost her bracelet and I was helping her find it." Min Ho finished my sentence, giving me a small wink.

I smiled. This boy is always saving my ass.

Professor Lee shook his head helplessly. "You should've told me and why would it take you guys 20 minutes to search for a bracelet?"

I stumbled. "Um, one of my charms fell off."

"Right." Professor Lee said in an unamused voice.

"We're sorry Professor but after finding it Y/N and I had to use the bathroom and then to go fill up some water." Min Ho apologized, trying to cover up our tiny white lie.

"Fine, since you two are academically super strong I'll let it go just this once, go back to your seats." He ordered sharply before opening his novel and reading it, muttering words under his breath."

Min Ho and I sighed in relief before heading back to our seats quickly and quietly.

"That was close." I whispered.

Min Ho nodded. "For a second I thought we were done."

I smiled. "Thanks for always helping me."

"You're welcome, and for the record, I'm glad to have my friend back too."

No, I can't settle for a friend anymore. I needed him. I wanted him. I'm going to tell him tomorrow that this whole time I've been in love with him. That Chloe has been threatening me. He'll believe me, right? I hoped he would.

"Y/N?" "Your lunch is here." Min Ho chanted cheerfully as he handed me my lunch.

It was, dumplings, my favorite. Even though it wasn't my grandma's recipe, it still looked incredible.

"Who ordered this for me?" I asked.

"Of course it's me, who else do you think?" Min Ho questioned.

I gave him a curious look. "Weren't you with me though?"

He shook his head. "I wrote down your meal quickly before following you."

I gave him a small smile.

Let's see how these taste! I opened the lid rapidly and shoved one in my mouth, absorbing the taste. Min Ho was staring at me trying hard not to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" I mumbled, my mouth full.

He continued to laugh. "N-nothing, it's just that you look so unladylike." "Like none of the girls I've ever dated." He started to actually laugh, his face turning pink.

I quickly swallowed and tossed him a sharp glare. "I like my food, and I'm not like other girls."

He chuckled. "That we can both agree."

I finished my dumpling quickly and got back to my work. Our entire class worked until 5:00, when detention was finally finally over. I had to call my mom back and quickly talk to my dad. I needed to visit him immediately, or else my mind can't rest.

But I've made up my mind.

I'm going to confess to Min Ho.

If I was in this state a month ago, I wouldn't believe myself. A month ago seems like an eternity ago now. I remember my first encounter with Min Ho. He was the one giving me a glare and I was the one who was being rude to him at K.I.S.S. Look at us now, being great friends. Except he likes me and I like him.

Min Ho was the first guy I genuinely loved, genuinely cared about. Genuinely was interested in. The first person to get me out of my comfort zone. The first guy who got jealous at me since I was with another guy. The first friend who confessed their feelings, for, me.

I'm just an ordinary straight A student. He was the son of famous actors, been living in luxury all his life and yet somehow, he would pay attention to me. Never have I ever thought that I would be able to be where I was now. Next to my crush, at my dream school. I should always be grateful.

A kind of short chapter today, sorry! I've been super busy with school lolol. Enjoy tho guys. As usual, vote pleaseeee and comment down below your thoughts! BYE BYE FOR NOW AMIGOS!

Xoxo~FofoHenny <3

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