Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner

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We were walking together to this spot Min Ho said that had delicious noodles. He better not disappoint me. So far, the entire walk has been deadly silent. Obviously it would be since we weren't really friends. I decided to put on my AirPods and listen to some music when he suddenly started talking.

"What's your favourite colour?"


"What?" He asked in a tone.

"Your wondering what my favourite colour is?"

"I'm just trying to make small talk, not like I care or anything."



It was silent again. Honestly, why is it so awkward when it's just the two of us?

Thank god we made it.

"Ladies first." He said as he opened the door.

"Why thank you Min Ho." I said in a sarcastic tone.

He just smirked at me and followed me in.

The restaurant looked very simple, however had many people in here.

"Table for two please." Min Ho said to one of the employees.

The employee started blushing immediately and started to flirt with him. Does she have no decency?

"You single?" She asked.

"Sorry, I'm taken." He said as he grabbed me with his arm and pulled me next to him.

What the hell? I tried not to look at him in case I start blushing or burst out laughing.

"You must be a very lucky girl then." She said coldly.

I decided to just ignore her, Min Ho was just lying.

"Here's your table, I'll come back to take your orders." The waitress said as she left.

"What was that for?" I asked as I nudged Min Ho.

"Sorry, I couldn't say I'm single or they'll spend the entire night trying to get my number."

"And yet you had to say I was your girlfriend?"

"Hey!" "You were the only girl next to me!"

"Whatever." "What are you getting?" I asked while flipping the pages in the menu book.

"I'm probably going to get my usual order."

"Which is?"

"The sujebi of course." "It reminds me of the times my mother would make me it, super warm and amazing broth." He told me.

Aww, he's such a cute little boy.

"Hmm, I might get bibim guksu."

"It's pronounced like Bi Bim, Gouk Su." Min Ho corrected me.

"And?" "I don't speak Korean, remember?"

"Oh yeah."


The waitress came and Min Ho told her our orders.

"Sooo, what do you do during your pass time?" He asked.

"Funny you ask, I do a lot." I started naming out all the things a do whilst counting them with my fingers. "Reading, writing, scrapbooking, drawing, crocheting, shopping or very rarely partying."

"Damn, that's alot."

"Although I don't do much partying since I just make out with strangers."

When I said that, Min Ho spit out his drink AT MY FACE and started coughing.

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