Chapter 19: Explanations

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Y/N's perspective:
Mae closed my eyes and suddenly rushed me into a room. "AHHH!" "MAE!" I started to shriek but immediately stopped when I saw... Min Ho standing right next to me. I shut my mouth and just stared at the floor.

I couldn't hear what Mae was talking about outside.

"MAE LET US OUT!" I yelled.

The voices stopped and I heard footsteps leaving us?

"What the actual fuck." I muttered to myself.

"Ahem." Coughed Min Ho.

I stared at him.

"Why are your friends doing this?"

"I- I don't know, they're being delusional or something."

I stared at Min Ho but he was already looking at me.

"I guess it's a good time to talk." I stated.

His eyes were still fixed on me, non-blinking and all serious.

"I'm sorry about the other day, I really am."

I saw Min Ho's shoulders tense and then relax briefly.

"It's all good, you know." "I know I'm not the nicest guy and your type either so."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

I needed to tell him my feelings. I really needed to get them out of my fricking chest so I can relax and stop thinking about this nonsense. I tried again, knowing Min Ho is waiting for my response.

"What were you going to say?" He asked, his eyes still fixed on me and had an expression of hope drawn on his perfect face.

Gosh does he know how much his eyes drive me crazy?

"I was just going to say that... uh." "Your party is going to be amazing!"

I watched him carefully and saw how his face expression changed drastically.

"Yeah-yeah, I'm still getting that ready but I'm pumped and hopefully everyone will enjoy it."

"I am invited aren't I?" I tried joking.

"I only invited you because I have to since Q basically begged me." He mocked.

"Hey!" I nudged his shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Just kidding, of course your invited, your my friend."

I felt my chest getting a sharp pain. The word "friend" made me wince. It was my fault that we can't be together so why am I so mad and sad right now? I have to stop this. Min Ho deserves someone better then me and I will only hurt him and people around me. How am I going to deal with Chloe and her group of friends? Why hasn't Chloe made a move on him yet though? Just made Min Ho taken and I'll stop. I'll force myself to.

"Are you okay?" "What's on your mind?" He questioned.

"I'm just kind of stressed about upcoming exams and Korean tests especially since my new tutor is really boring." "I'm barely learning anything and he's always playing games or focusing on his own exams." I blabbed.

"Then I can tutor you." "I'll tell the office to switch my partner and I'll be your new tutor, again."

"That's too much trouble and I've already caused you enough chaos." I replied. "Plus, it was me who wanted to switch." Even though I was really happy with how nice he was being... as my friend.

"No trouble at all, in fact, all of our classmates I'm tutoring are not as fun and out going as you." He winked at me.

"Thanks Min Ho." I chuckled softly.

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