Chapter 15: Heartbreak

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I was so excited to watch the newest film in Korea with Min Ho. Perfect thing to end the day since there was school tomorrow. I decided to head down to the main lobby since that's where we were going to meet. I was smiling from ear to ear until I got a message from Noah.

Noah: Missing you. Can you come over?

Me: Sorry Noah, I'm actually busy tonight.

Noah: Aw. We never get any alone time.

Me: We can hangout tomorrow after school ok? I promise.

Noah: Love you.

Me: ❤️

I couldn't bring myself to write love you too since it was probably a lie. It was too soon and early to already say stuff like that.

I sat on a chair and made myself comfortable since I was a bit early. Slowly I drifted into a nap.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw him. Min Ho was in a gorgeous racer jacket and sports pants. I smiled lightly and rubbed my eyes.

"Sorry, I got a bit tired." I got up and stared at him.

He smiled when he noticed I was staring. "Obsessed over me?"

"You wish." I joked and pushed him lightly.

He looked at me up and down and for a second I noticed how he was just staring at my outfit.

"I think your the one who's obsessed."

"You do look pretty hot." He commented.

Yay! I'm so glad this dumb fit worked.

"Why did you want to hang out with me?" "I mean, you can be hanging out with all your cooler friends so why me?" I questioned.

"Because your better then them and I just wanted to hang out with you." He replied honestly.

That made me really happy.

"I can tell your happy with my answer." He winked and I blushed a little.

How can you not blush when he looks at you like that?

We ended walking to his limo and got in. He spoke in Korean to the driver and we started driving.

"How rich are you?" I asked. "One day you have this super dope sports car and the next day you own a limo." I side-eyed him while saying so.

Min Ho gave me a warm laugh before replying. "My mom is a very famous actor, remember?"

"Ohhh." I connected the information.

We sat in silence with me all alone on one side and he was in the other. It was super awkward since he knew that I was dating Noah but we were hanging out 1on1.

"Min Ho, we're here." I tapped his shoulder lightly since he took a little doze too. The drive was about 30 minutes.

He seemed startled but then got up and mumbled something in Korean to the driver.

"Well come on Y/N, let's go watch the movie!" He grabbed my wrist and we walked into the movie theatre.

"We are watching Barbie." He announced.

Omg. I had been telling him for ages that I wanted to watch the new movie. I can't believe he remembered!

"You want to watch Barbie with me?" I questioned with a smirk.

"I actually don't because that's hella boring typical girls but-" Before he even finished his sentence I smacked his hand.

"OUCH!" He yelled painfully.

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