Chapter 27: Beef

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Y/N's perspective:

After another hour of chatting with my favourite person in the entire world, I walked back into my dorm quietly. I'm trying not to wake up Kitty and Mae before they go all ballistic over a "date" we had.

The second I walked in...

"Y/N!" I stopped in my step, slowly turning my head. Kitty and Mae were standing in the living room with their arms crossed and staring at me.

"I thought you guys would be in bed already." I said as I put my purse in my drawer.

"We need to hear tea!" Kitty says in an excited voice.

I didn't tell Mae or Kitty that Min Ho and I were dating, yet. I didn't want them to spread this to other people and soon let everyone know, including Chloe.

Speaking of Chloe, she has been trying to win Min Ho back. She would sit next to us at lunch and flirt the entire time, to which Min Ho rejected her countlessly.

Flashback to Last Friday at lunch time:

I had just finished my third period class and was meeting Min Ho at our usual table with Kitty, Mae, Dae, Yuri, Q and Florian.

"Hey Y/N." Min Ho greeted as I sat down across from him. (We couldn't really talk together that much or everyone would find out)

"Hi Min Ho." I responded, placing my backpack on the floor.

"What took you so long?" Kitty asked as she stole a fry from Mae. "Kitty!" Mae yelled.

"I was doing a quiz." I replied, taking a bite of kimchi which was surprisingly tasty today.

"How are you and Dae?" I whispered to Kitty because Dae sat really close to us.

Kitty shrugged. "He's been giving me hints that he likes me but he's with Yuri so I'm really confused.

I sighed. "Why can't he just man up and explain it to you instead of just ignoring the problem."

Kitty shrugged again. "He's going through a lot Y/N, with his studies and feelings."

"You are too!" "If anything, you are going through a lot more than he is." I protested.

"It's fine Y/N, he'll talk to me when he's ready."

I nodded. "It better be soon."

"Ew what the actual fuck is happening." I heard Mae say.

I turned to what she was staring at and it was Chloe making her way over.

"Hi Min Ho can I sit next to you please?" She asked in a sickening pick me voice.

Min Ho quickly stared at me for help. I just stared back.

"What do you want?" He asked impatiently, avoiding eye contact with Chloe.

Chloe pouted. "I just wanted to know how you've been ever since our.. breakup." After that word she stared at me with disgust.

"I'm actually doing quite well thanks for asking." Min Ho replied dryly, smiling at me slightly.

I returned with a smile of my own, as I'm taking a sip of the seafood soup.

"But honestly Min Ho we were the IT couple of the entire school, people loved us." Chloe said as she fixed her hair and stared at Min Ho dreamily.

"Well that's too bad, I'm not interested." Min Ho said as he chewed on his breadstick slowly.

"Chloe why are you pestering Min Ho?" "Can't you leave him alone?" Q chimed in, clearly getting annoyed.

"Thanks man." Min Ho muttered to Q.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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