Chapter 14: A visit to the friend who holds therapy sessions

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I still couldn't believe he put his finger down. Although it could be another girl.

"Min Ho you were jealous of your crush and her boyfriend?" Asked Q cheerfully while glancing at me.

Stop looking at me Q buddy!

"Yes actually." He responded quietly.

We all continued to stare at him.

"Well, spill the tea!" Hissed Mae.

"Yeah, who the heck is it?" Questioned Kitty.

He groaned and stared at me for a while before answering.

"I'm not telling." "That was not apart of the question!"

"We just want to know who you got your eye on!" Noah said excitedly.

Min Ho glared at him before responding coldly: "You wouldn't want to know, especially you."

Noah nudged me and asked what does that mean.

"I honestly have no clue." I muttered.

He still looked unsure, but stopped asking.

After a couple more hours of swimming and beach volleyball, Kitty, Mae and I walked back to our dorms.

"Girl it's on." Kitty said.

"What is?" I asked.

"You and Min Ho!" "He likes you!" They both told me excitedly.

"We're still not sure if it was ME he was talking about I mean it could've been anyone!"

"Yeah well why did he get all cold when Noah asked him who it was?" Pressured Mae.

"Shut up." I said.

I walked quickly and decided to stop by at Starbucks before heading back.

Kitty and Mae continued talking as they made their way back.

For some reason, part of me hoped that it would be me who Min Ho was talking about.

But wait, he did say that he gave me no signals so?! I'm so confused!

"UGH!" I yelled in frustration, causing a lot of people to stare at me.

"Sorry!" I muttered before grabbing my Chai latte and running out of there.

I made my way back to my dorm and started to work on my homework. We had so much work due tomorrow! Better get started!

Min Ho's perspective:

I can't believe I put my finger down. I didn't want to. But somehow, something came over me and that made me do it right while Y/N was staring at me!

I was sort of embarrassed so for the rest of the time I just stayed silent and watched them have fun. I don't know what's going on with me. Like ever since Y/N and Noah started dating I've been extra grumpy for no reason!

I need a talk with Q.

When we were all done playing, I walked to Q.

"Hey." I said as I watched him look at me.

"Sup Min Ho?" He asked, still slurping his drink.

"I need to have a talk." I muttered.

I watched his whole face turn into excitement.

"I knew it!" "I knew you wanted to talk to me about Y/N and how you love her."

My face instantly turned red.

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