Chapter 47

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The shock of my announcement has left Rico speechless. And I would be lying if I said his silence wasn't concerning. "It's a lot to take in," I whisper. It seems foolish stating the obvious. Especially when I felt the same way after finding out I was pregnant and not suffering from a tummy bug like I thought. "I'm sorry to put it on you this way. But I had to tell you."

His dark brows pull together and it's hard to know how much is shock and how much is disappointment. "I mean what the f..." Rico stops short, not finishing the sentence. "What I mean is, how could this happen so soon? We've fucked a handful of times and now you're pregnant."

That hits me more like an accusation than a simple question. "You're right. We have. But think about how many times we used protection."

He shrugs. "No clue. That's not something I'd keep track of."

"Well, I have, and we used protection twice. Out of several times. Need I remind you we only need to do it once to get pregnant?"

His eyes roll. "I'm aware."

He needs time. Hell, even I still need time to process. "We don't need to talk about it now. I just want you to know. Because my biggest regret after being taken by Grey was not telling you."

And the mention of Grey's name has Rico's face tensing and his posture straightening as he towers over me.

"What happened when you were with that piece of shit!" Rico releases me from his arms so he can do a sweep of my body. "Did he hurt you? Did he... did he touch you? Tell me? I wanna know what fucker did while you were with him."

"No, I'm ok."

His eyes snap back to meet mine, unconvinced. "You don't look ok."

"I'm alive, Rico, and you're alive and we're together, and that's all I care about right now. I know you want details about what happened. But I need time to breathe and take you in and remember how good it is to be with you again. All I want now is to be close to you." I wrap my arms around his body, and I press my head to his chest and snuggle into him. "No matter what happens, you should know that I've given myself to you and only you, no matter where I end up."

"Hey," Rico lifts my chin, and I stare up and meet his frown. "Don't talk like that."

"Like what?"

"Like we have limited time together."

"What if we do?"

"We don't. And I refuse to live life like one of us will be gone tomorrow."

I rest my cheek against his chest again. "After being taken by Grey, it's a possibility. And the thought of it happening again terrifies me." Especially when I know what awaits me. "If he should get me again, I want you to know that you're everything to me. That I'm yours. I always will be. Even if we never see each other again and--"

"Would you stop talking like that?" he scolds, cutting me off. "He's not getting near you again, believe me. This time, things are different. I'm prepared and ready for him."

"What if he finds a way?"

"Hey! I don't wanna hear you talking like this. So stop. You're only upsetting yourself and me."

I stare into his eyes and say, "it doesn't matter how upset it makes me. I need to speak my truth. It's important you're aware of how I feel. Just as you need to know that I'm more than certain this is your baby."

"I didn't say it wasn't."

"You didn't have to. I saw the doubt on your face when I told you."

His eyes narrow. "Don't put words in my mouth."

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