Boil The Big Bully

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(The video above is what happens in this chapter)

It has been a while ever since Sapphire met Mario and became friends with him along with some of the others like SMG4. After that, she went home and told her family who were glad she got to make some friends. Today, Sapphire planned to go to Peach's castle so she can spend some time with her new friends.

Iris: Where are you going big sis?

Sapphire: I'm heading to Peach's castle so I can spend some time with Mario and the others.

Indigo: Oh I'm so glad you made some friends here in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Tyson: I agree, they were...unique when we had some of them over for dinner.

Sapphire: *knows what he meant and nods* Yeah...

Garnet: Hey sis, I'll come with you.

Sapphire: Alright. 

Tyson: Have fun you two.

Sapphire and Garnet both head out to go to Peach's castle.


The two Draken siblings were flying when they saw Mario driving in his kart.

Sapphire: Hey Mario!

Mario: *sees them* Hi guys! Imma going to Peach's castle.

Garnet: So are we, let's all go together.

Sapphire and Mario: Yeah!

The three continue on their way to Peach's castle.

Mario: My a** is itchy.

Sapphire: *shakes her head* Oh Mario.

Mario: Hoo! I wonder what the princess is up to.

Garnet: Let's go and find out.

Mario drove up a ramp and was in the air while Sapphire and Garnet continue to fly. The three soon arrive at Peach's castle.

Mario crash lands while the Draken siblings land on the ground.

Sapphire: *runs over to Mario* Are you ok Mario?!

Mario: Ow. Mama f**k-*sees Luigi, Peach, and Toad staring at the castle* Hmm?

Sapphire: *notices* Huh?

Garnet: *confused* What's going on?

Mario: *confused and goes over with Sapphire and Garnet* Uhh...why is everyone staring at the castle?

Luigi: *turns to them* GUYS, HELP!!! *throws binoculars at Mario*

Mario: *annoyed* Mama mia, WHAT IS IT?! *looks through the binoculars*

Mario saw a window before a figure was seen walking before knocking down the fridge along with the spaghetti.

Mario: *screams at the sky* Noooooooooooo!

Sapphire: *facepalms* Mario...

Peach: *back slaps Mario* That's not it dumba**!

Mario: *looks closer through the binoculars* Hmmmmmmm....

Turns out, a lot of Big Bullies have invaded and taken over the castle.

Mario: *wide eyed* Whoa!

Sapphire: *shocked* So many...

Garnet: *O_O* I'm starting to see why everyone's out here.

Mario: *mad and turns to Luigi, Peach, and Toad* Ok! Who let the black bully things inside and let them attack my spaghetti!?

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