Meet the Mario

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(The video above is what happens in this chapter)

Sapphire was currently exploring the Mushroom Kingdom as she saw many weird and crazy things happening around.

Sapphire: *O_O* So these are the things that happen here in the Mushroom Kingdom. I'm not sure what to say about this. *spots something up ahead* Huh?

Up ahead, Sapphire saw she was walking near a castle. But it wasn't just any castle, it was Princess Peach's castle.

Sapphire: That must be the castle I've heard so much about from Sonic. Might as well go check it out.

Sapphire walks up to the castle as a warp pipe appears and a Lakitu flies to it with a camera.

Sapphire: *sees this* Hmm?

Lakitu was filming as someone sounded like they're coming out of the pipe before stopping, indicating that the person was stuck.

???: Doh s**t! *struggles to get free*

Sapphire: *confused* Is someone stuck?

Lakitu: *sighs and drops a Bob-omb into the Warp Pipe*

Sapphire: *shocked* Wait is that a bomb?!

Lakitu: Yup. *sees Sapphire* Hey, where did you come from?

Sapphire: *rubs the back of her head* Well, I'm actually kinda new around here and I decide to explore. I saw this castle and decided to check it out and-

Lakitu: Nevermind, can you just stand right there?

Sapphire: *raises a brow in confusion* Uh why?

???: Hmm? *sees the Bob-omb and panics* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

The Bob-omb explodes as a red fat Italian flies out of the Warp Pipe before landing right on Sapphire.

Lakitu: Thanks!

Sapphire: *groans* Ow...


The same Italian walked up to the camera with before taking out a bowl of spaghetti.

Mario: It's a me, Mario! And my SPAGHETTI!!!

Mario then proceeds to dance while naked with spaghetti and a lot of Toads.

Sapphire: *watches from the background while wanting to wash her eyes* Okay...

Mario: Ever know you are awesome but no one believes you?


Mario: *naked while on top of a castle* Hoo! Thank you all for coming my fans! Let's get this concert started!

Police Mario: Get the f***k down from there! >:C

(End of flashback)

Mario: Then you'd know how it feels to be me!

Sapphire: *watches from the background* I think I can kinda see where he's coming from. Let's see what else there is about him.


Lakitu: a very "special" person. Trust me, I follow him everywhere.


Lakitu: *recording while outside Mario's room* Mario?! What are you doing? You've been in there for 5 hours!

Mario: *in his room* SHUT UP! Tryin' to make love to myself up here!!!

(End of flashback)

Sapphire: *watches and thinks* 'That's kind of creepy if he's basically stalking this guy. Also I didn't need to hear that last part.'

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