Who let the Chomp out? (Part 1/2)

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(Bob-omb Battlefield)

Mario, SMG4, Sapphire, and Garnet are at Bob-omb battlefield, planning to try and talk to the Goombas in the area.

SMG4: Mario...is talking to Goombas even a good idea?

Mario: *holds a Goomba head* Of course!

Garnet: Why are you even doing this?

Sapphire: *sighs* Mario told me this was for science.

Mario: Exactly!

Mario put on the Goomba head and went up to two Goombas.

Mario: Hoho! Hello! It's me!

The two Goombas are silent.

Mario: Wazzup!

Goombas: ?

SMG4: Speak Goomba you idiot!

Mario: Okie dokie! Get ready to move your pingas!

SMG4: Stupid!

Sapphire and Garnet: *facepalm*

Goombas: Umm...

Mario: Ohh I got an idea! I'll do the mating call! *does the mating call while stomping on the Goomba*

Goombas: Oh No! *explode with Koopa*

Mario: *confused* Hmm?

Suddenly the Goombas multiply and attack Mario.

Mario: *screams*

Goomba: MY BABY!!!

SMG4: Ehh, close enough.

Sapphire: Hang on Mario!

Sapphire speeds in a circle before creating a tornado that sends all the Goombas flying away.

Garnet: You alright dude?

Mario: Yeah, thanks for saving me Sapphire.

Sapphire: No problem, I always got your back.

Mario: *turns to SMG4* Thanks for helping. >:(

SMG4: Oh hey! No problem. :D

Mario: *mad* You know what screw this! Imma go play with the chomp! *runs over to the Chain Chomp*

SMG4: *panics* NO NO DUDE NO DON'T!!

Sapphire: MARIO NO!!!

Upon seeing Mario approach, the Chain Chomp hit him out of the way with a bark.

Mario: Grr! What is it?!

Garnet: Don't go near that dog! You might release it idiot!

Mario: *derp look* Oh no...*goes over to the pole* that's no-


Mario: Fine!

Sapphire: Good, we don't need that big guy mauling us to death.

Meanwhile, a Bob-omb Buddy sees the four with the Chain Chomp and believes they're taking away his and the other Bob-omb Buddies' jobs as dogkeepers.

Bob-omb Buddy #1: *mad* Oh h*ll no! They took our job!

Bob-omb Buddy #2: He took his dog?!

Bob-omb Buddy #1: They took our job!

Bob-omb #2: Took our dog!

The Bob-omb Buddies load up a cannon and take aim.

Gourmet Guy: *pops out of the cannon* Hellooooo!

Bob-omb Buddy #1: Fire!

Gourmet Guy was shot out of the cannon as he went through the air while singing "I Believe I Can Fly".

Mario: Oh brother, Mama mia. *notices the shadow underneath him* Woah! *looks up*

Gourmet Guy: *Heavy screams and falls towards Mario*

Mario: *starts running* OH S**T! OH S**T! OH S**-

Gourmet Guy lands on Mario, crushing him.

SMG4: *gasps and runs over*

Sapphire: Mario! *speeds over*

Garnet: S**t! *speeds over as well*

SMG4: *runs to the pole* ARE YOU OK POLE!?

Sapphire and Garnet: *-_-* Really SMG4?

SMG4: *turns to Gourmet Guy* Thanks a lot fata**!

Sapphire: *tries to lift Gourmet Guy off Mario* Grrr, he's more heavier than he looks!

Garnet: *also tries to lift Gourmet Guy* No kidding!

Gourmet Guy: *repeatedly squishes Mario while singing "Sit On You"*

Mario pushed Gourmet Guy off of him, crushing the pole in the process.

Mario: You son of a b**ch!

Sapphire: *O_O and realizes what's about to happen* Oh no...

Garnet: Crap! We gotta run! *grabs SMG4 and speeds off*

SMG4: *holds on* RUN B***H! RUUUUN!

Mario: Hmm? *sees the broken pole and Chain Chomp free* AAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sapphire: Come on! *grabs Mario and speeds off*

Chain Chomp: *barks and goes after them*

The four are now being chased by the Chain Chomp as they run past a Koopa.

Koopa: What's with all the screa-*sees the Chain Chomp riding a car* OH MY F**KING G-! *gets run over*

Chain Chomp: *wears sunglasses* It's r**ing time!

Old Man Hobo: *singing "Who Let The Dogs Out" and dressed like a rapper*

Mario: Get over here! *grabs Old Man Hobo and throws him at the Chain Chomp*

Old Man Hobo: *screams like a little girl and hits the Chain Chomp*

Sapphire: That didn't do anything!

Luigi: *appears from a pipe* Mario!

Mario: Luigi! Move!

Sapphire: There's a Chain Chomp after us!

Luigi: *confused* What are you talking abo-?

Sapphire: Just look! *points to the Chain Chomp behind them*

Luigi: *sees the Chain Chomp and screams*

Garnet: Move it!

Luigi ran back into the pipe with Sapphire, Mario, Garnet, and SMG4. The Chain Chomp also ran into the pipe. The five land inside the sewers underneath the castle but the Chain Chomp slowly made its way through the pipe.

Mario: *O_O* Oh s**t...

Sapphire: Not good!

???: Wahoo!

Mario turns to see a group of Toads.

Toads: Oh! Hey Mario!

Getting an idea, Mario used the Toads as a blockade but they were no match as the Chain Chomp made its way out of the pipe.

Garnet: S**t! Everyone upstairs!

Everyone immediately run upstairs with the Chain Chomp on their tails.

(Peach's Castle)

Princess Peach: *comes to see what's going on* WHAT THE F*-

SMG4: *running with Garnet* RUN B***H! RUUUUN!

Sapphire: Quick! In one of the rooms!

All seven of them hide in the room with a picture of Whomp Fortress. They were safe from the Chain Chomp...for now.

(And done! Sapphire, Mario, and the others have gotten into a really sticky situation! How will they deal with the Chain Chomp? You'll have to find out in part 2! But what are your thoughts on this chapter? Please let me know in the comments below!)

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