Who let the Chomp out? (Part 2/2)

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(The rest of the video is what happens in the second part. I also put in some elements from the remastered version)

Chain Chomp: *barks while trying to find the gang*

Luigi: Ohhhh...*faints*

Toad: What in the f**k was that?!

SMG4: *pants* That...was a scary Chain Chomp...

Garnet: You got that right SMG4.

Mario: *freaking out while holding onto Sapphire* I don't want to die!

Sapphire: Woah! Easy Mario, everything will be alright.

SMG4: She's right! We just have to wait and people will come find us!

Suddenly everyone hears a smoke detector ringing.

SMG4: ?

Garnet: *sniffs the air* Do you smell that sis?

Sapphire: *sniffs the air* Yeah, is something burning?

Peach: *frantic* AHHHH THE MEATLOAF!

In the kitchen, the oven was left on as it's now on fire. 

Peach rushes out to turn it off only to get attacked by the Chain Chomp.

Chain Chomp: *barks*

Peach: F**k! *screams*

Peach returned to the room beaten up with her dress torn up.

Peach: My scrotums...


Peach: Oh yeah!

SMG4: *gets angry* You stupid b**ch! *😡*

Garnet: This whole place will be burned down to ashes if no one turns that stove off!

Sapphire: But how will we even do that without encountering that Chain Chomp?

Toad: Don't worry! Us Toads are reliable! We'll be able to turn it off!

Unfortunately, the Toads were unable to and got burned easily.

Garnet: Sis, why don't you and I just use our fire forms? We can get to the kitchen without getting burned.

Sapphire: But we'll have to get through the Chain Chomp bro, and that's not an easy task.

SMG4: We can't just sit around! We need to fix this now! *points to Mario* And you gotta help us!

Mario: *Heavy voice* No! *turns to the wall*

Garnet: *gets an idea* It would be a real shame for that Chain Chomp to eat the spaghetti!

Mario: *mad* No. No, no, no. H*ll no! No! *heads to the door* Come on Sapphire, let's-a-go!

Sapphire: *follows* Right behind you Mario.

Outside, the Chain Chomp is sleeping as Mario and Sapphire peek out the door. They sneak up on him and are about to attach the chain to the ground with a hammer and pole when the doorbell suddenly rings.

Chain Chomp: *wakes up and barks*

Sapphire: *whispers* Hide now! *quickly hides*

Mario: Eek! *quickly hides with her*

Chain Chomp: *goes outside* Hi, how can I help you!?!?

Sonic: Hey, hey, hey! I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!

Chain Chomp: What the f**k is a Sonic?

Sonic: *confused*

Chain Chomp: Wanna be friends?

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