Human Nature Part One

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The Doctor, Amanda and Martha run into the Tardis, closely followed by a blast from an energy weapon.

"Get down!" the Doctor shouted as he quickly slammed the door shut behind him. Loud bangs could be heard from the outside, scaring Amanda, who quickly took off her ring and started twisting it, revealing a holographic control panel.

"Did they see you?" the Doctor asked Martha, who was trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know." Martha admitted to them.

"But did they see you?" Amanda asked as she quickly pressed different buttons on the holographic screen, cursing as a banner saying 'WARNING', flashes before her. "I think they saw me." she said as she ignores the warning and continues with her plan. She quickly inputted information and data into the screen before cursing when another banner appeared. 

"I don't know. I was too busy running." Martha replied as she cast looks at the door, afraid that they might find them and try to get in.

"Martha, it's important. Did they see your face?" the Doctor asked her again.

Martha shook her head. "No, they couldn't have." she told him. 

"Off we go!" the Doctor said as he set the Tardis in motion. The Doctor looks at the console screen and a frustrated look wash over him.

"Argh! They're following us." He informed them.

"How can they do that? You've got a time machine." Martha asked him worriedly.

"Stolen technology. They've got a Time Agent's vortex manipulator. They can follow us wherever we go, right across the universe. They're never going to stop, unless..." The Doctor shot a look at Amanda, who nodded. She knew what he was thinking about, and she began to prepare for the transition. "I'll have to do it. Martha, you trust us, don't you?" he asked his companion.

Martha nodded. "Of course, I do. I trust both of you with my life." she told them. 

"Because it all depends on you." The Doctor said as Amanda puts her ring back on. The ring begins to tighten on Amanda's finger causing her to bite her lip to not let out a scream. Martha gives them a panicked look, not understanding what was happening.

"What does? What am I supposed to do?" Martha questioned as she watched Amanda sway back and forth, the color washing from her face. Amanda tried to answer her question, but she felt as though her throat was closing up. She attempted to speak but all that came out was a raspy whisper and gasp for air. 

The Doctor holds out an ornately decorated pocket watch. "Take this watch because my life depends on it. This watch, Martha. The watch is-"

The Doctor John Smith was lying on a bed in an old-fashioned wood paneled room though awoke at the sound of voices getting closer and closer to his door. He gets up from his bed and hears a knock at his door.

"Come in." He called out to the person who knocked.

Martha, his housemaid entered the room, carrying a breakfast tray. She turned her back when she saw that he wasn't fully dressed.

"Pardon me, Mister Smith. You're not dressed yet. I can come back later." She said nervously.

He puts on his robe and stops her from leaving. "No, it's all right, it's all right. Put it down. I was er. Sorry, sorry. Sometimes I have these extraordinary dreams." He tells her as he recalls his dream. He had been having such wonderful dreams about traveling and there were multiple women with him yet one woman in practically left him in awe; he couldn't recall what she had look like as she always managed to change certain aspects to her appearance in every dream but what he could remember was her beautiful singing voice. How even her speaking voice made him feel as though he was walking on air. 

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