Evolution of The Daleks

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The air seemed to grow cold as the newly turned hybrid gazed upon them. Amanda watched with cautious eyes, trying hard not to fidget or make any sudden movements as to not gather more attention from the Daleks. 

"These humans will become like me. Prepare them for hybridization." He ordered the pigmen. There was at least one pigman holding onto one human but then two grabbed Amanda. She winced and almost groaned from the pain, something inside her was swelling up and she did not want to find out what it was. 

"This one needs further examination." One Dalek told the hybrid, who looked at her with curiosity. 

"What makes you so special?" The hybrid asked the brunette. Amanda looked at the group worriedly, not knowing what to do or say. 

She kept quiet instead of answering him. "Why can't they fully scan you?" He prodded at her, trying to catch her gaze. "What species are you from?" he asked her, causing Amanda's eyes to widened in shock. 

The group looked at the hybrid in confusion, Amanda most of all. When she was scanned by the Judoon, she was registered as human. What changed in the last few days that caused her to get these results?

Amanda stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "Tell me." The hybrid ordered, his patience wearing thin.

Amanda noticed the Doctor sneak away behind some equipment. Noticing her eyes on him, the Doctor put a finger to his lips, telling her to keep quiet. 

Amanda shook her head slightly. "I have no idea what you are talking about." she said steely, trying to buy some time for the Doctor. "I am human." she said with confidence but something inside her felt uneasy and unwell, as if she was telling a lie. 

The hybrid sneered at the woman. "Since you will not tell me, we will just get it out of your friends." The hybrid said before motioning to the pigmen to come over to them.

"Leave me alone! Don't you dare!" Martha yelled as Amanda started screaming " I don't know!" to him. She looked over to Martha with pleading eyes, hoping that she would be alright. Even in her pain and confinement, she continued to struggle against the pigmen that were holding her to get to Martha. 

Happy Days are Here Again began playing from behind them, causing a smile to appear on Amanda's face.

"What is that sound?" The hybrid asked the pigmen and the Daleks as he looked around for the source of the sound.

"Music! Don't tell me the hybrid is stupid." Amanda said harshly and spatted at him. The Daleks point their laser at Amanda, who kept her eyes on the hybrid, glaring heatedly at him. If she was going to die, then she will die with attitude.

"Ah, well, now, that would be me." The Doctor announced, stepping from out of the shadows. He put down the radio by a Bunsen burner and walked up to the hybrid, making sure to cut contact between the hybrid and Amanda.

"Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera." He said to the hybrid and the Daleks.

"Doctor." The hybrid said angrily as he backed away from the Doctor with the Daleks slowly approached to protect him.

"Coward." Amanda muttered lowly, but it seemed the closest Dalek heard her anyway. Amanda tilted her head when she saw how two Daleks looked at each other but disregarded the thought when she saw a Dalek roll closer to the Doctor. 

"The enemy of the Daleks." A Dalek announced loudly to the crowd.

"Exterminate." Another stated, pointing his eye stock at the Doctor. Amanda immediately went back to struggling against the pigmen, trying to get to the Doctor. 

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