[003] multiple pt 1.

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There was just something about him. Something that drew you in, despite being unable to see underneath his tough facade and webbed mask. You would go out in the night, hoping, no, praying, for a chance to run into him. He was the hero of the city, and he was gone, but so were you. A different dimension, so incredibly contrasting from the one you shared with Noir. Colors splattered your vision, and large screens surrounded you, blasting radiant and obnoxious advertisements. You were on a rooftop, though not a high one. The last thing you remember is entering your apartment. It was strange, and you had a feeling that you weren't the only one. Weird sense held a grip on you. It was always the worst when you were near Noir. You slowly climbed down the fire escape of the building complex to ground level and observed your surroundings.

The bright lights of the city burned your eyes. People were rushing back and forth, staring at glowing rectangles in their hands. It was all so strange. This wasn't your New York City. Somehow, in whatever way, you've ended up in a different dimension. That weird sense had come back again. It blasted in your head, telling you where to go. You tried to shake the feeling off, but it was like a sixth sense. It took you to a quaint house in a homey neighborhood. You knocked and heard muffled voices before the door creaked open. A familiar voice spoke. You've heard it before.

"Who is it?" The voice was low and rough. You recognized it from anywhere. It was Noir. You smiled to yourself, happy to finally interact with him. The door opened completely, and Noir stood before you. you thought, but just the way you had remembered him.

"I'm [Y/N]. I'm from your dimension." Your voice was hopeful, wishing he recognized you. How could he? You could count on one hand the number of times he had saved you, yet still your heart longed for him to remember.

He stared you up and down, almost suspiciously before inviting you in. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was just so perfect to you. The ideal hero. Brooding, mysterious, and a complete gentleman. Plus, the only type of guy who could pull off a fedora. The weird sense set off immediately when you stepped into the room. A red and blue pig was sitting on the couch and a giant robot rested at the foot of the television with a little girl sitting on top. Noir stood still as you stepped in, closing the door behind you. As you stared at the strange sight, your head began to hurt. The sense was too strong. It seemed like the others were feeling it too, or was it all just in your head? They stared at you strangely before the girl spoke up.

"Are you like us?" Her voice was high-pitched but filled with confusion. "Did you get sucked into that black hole, too?" You nodded, wondering what she meant by saying you were like them. You turned around to face Noir, surprised to see his eyes on you. He tore his gaze from you as soon as you turned to him, facing the others.

"She can't be like us. She's from my dimension." He shifted a bit. "I don't doubt there are others, though." He walks towards the pig and the girl, not taking notice of you. "We should get going."

You take a step forward in an attempt to follow them when Noir turns around and stops you. "Sorry, can't get civilians involved." You look behind him to the pig and the girl who stare at you with pitiful eyes. Noir's voice is cold, almost like he felt threatened at the idea that there may be another one of his kind in his dimension. He interrupts your thoughts and speaks. "Stay here. Once we figure out this whole..." He pauses, trying to find his words. "This whole situation, I'll take you home."

"I want to help. How can I help? I mean, I need to be involved. I want to get home, too", you protest. "And how did I get here anyway? Mind explaining? Because it doesn't seem -"

"Stay out of this. It's for your own good", Noir interrupts. His voice isn't mean, but it still hurts you a bit. Before you can utter another word, he grabs you by the hand and webs you against the couch . "In the meantime, stay here until May arrives."

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