[018] tea.

672 16 20

- requested by @natzielonka and others -
[ 'Upside down kiss.' ]

With your eyes shut tightly and your fists clenched up into a ball, you feel your feet rise off the ground in an instant. Just as sudden as it was, your feet return to the ground with a clang. Without opening your eyes, your body still tensed up from fear, you realize your location changed. Now, you're on the fifth story of a ten-story apartment complex, on the fire escape near the balcony of your apartment. Your flutter your eyes open and to your surprise, a pair of aviator goggles stare back at you. You feel your body tense up in fear, your nerves tight as you take a step back. Your vision is blurry as your eyes are pricked with tears, so you can't make out the man's face. Your waist touches the hard metal of the wall of the fire escape and you put your hands on the edge to steady yourself.

With your vision slowly returning you grasp your surroundings slowly as well as the man in front of you. Spider-Man.

He had saved you once or twice before. In fact, you had been held hostage as a civilian in one of Osborne's attempts to destroy him. He had rescued you. If not for him, you wouldn't be alive. Of course, he rescues everyone, so it was unlikely he still remembered who you were.

"Alright there, darling?", he says. "Sorry we have to keep meetin' like this." He remembers.

You look up at the man, squinting your eyes. Tears blur your vision and you try to choke them down. He stands in front of you with his hands stuffed in his trench coat pockets and his head tilted, awaiting your response. You bite your bottom lip and inhale, your breath hitching from your tears.

"Yes, thank you," you mumble. Your grip loosens on the railing of the fire escape. "What-"

"Behind ya," he smiles. He folds his arms and puts up a finger gun, pointing behind you. You blink away your tears and turn around. On the wall in front of you is your assailants, webbed up against the wall. Three men, their guns webbed together on the wall, well away from their reach. You notice their faces are bruised and one of them is unconscious. The other two are squirming against the restraints, glaring at you and Spider-Man.

"Nice lil' painting, huh?", he chuckles. You snap your head to the side upon hearing his voice so clearly. His arms are still folded, resting on the railing. His eyes are focused on the wall with the goons. "I call it the Three Blind Mice."

"Thank you for saving me, Spider-Man. I-"

He puts a hand up, still not looking at you. "Please. No need to thank me. It's my job."

He stands up straight and pops his collar up, finally looking at you. Upon locking eyes with you, he tips his fedora and takes a small step back.


He stops and gives you a look.

"Why don't I... err... make you some tea.", you stammer. "Please. I insist."

He lets out a small laugh, his shoulders shaking a bit. "Dollface, please. I don't need any thanks or any of that booshwash. It's my pleasure to save a beautiful dame like yourself. Especially twice."

"Please? It'll only be a second, I promise."

He sighs and adjusts his fedora. "Alright, alright." He brushes past you and jumps alongside the building onto your balcony, extending a hand to you once he lands. "C'mon then. Shake a leg."

You grab his hand and scale the side of the building with caution but ease. Creaking your bedroom window open, you climb through, Noir right behind you. He stands in the window with his hands holding the window frame, crouching so he could fit. You look back at him, confused.

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