[012] dance.

584 19 3

"May I have this dance, miss?"

You turn around to face the city's beloved hero, Spider-Man Noir. A seasonal banquet had brought the two of you together, your best friend's millionare parents providing as a host.

"Spider-Man?", you manage to stutter out. It was baffling to see him at such a high-end social event, especially one held by rich folk. You turn back to your best friend who smiles at you and nudges your shoulder.

He had never made any appearance in each seasonal event. Despite your constant nagging to your best friend about possibly inviting or tracking him down to the largest banquet of the city every winter. He didn't seem like the type of guy to enjoy a large crowd or a dance at that, but what was the harm in trying? Every year, you mentioned it. Every year, it was the same answer.

It was undeniable. You were obsessed.

And here he was, bowing down in front of you as if he was your own, extending his hand, his fedora tipped upwards, asking you for a dance.

"In the flesh, m'lady.", he says all coyly as if you haven't heard of him before. He stands up straight and places both his hands behind his back, and raises his heels for a second in anticipation. He tips his fedora slightly and his aviator glasses shine at you, waiting for an answer.

You take a small breath of excitement and exhale. "You may.", you say, your voice slightly breathless at his mere presence. Your heels click on the floor when you take a step closer to him, motioning for him to step on the dance floor with you. He extends a gloved hand to you and you grasp it, your raven gloves matching his.

He leads you to the middle of the ballroom, eyes following the two of you along the way. Of course, everyone was as shocked as you to see Spider-Man here. You hummed, eyes still locked on the tight grip his hand grasped yours in, your long black dress flowing behind you. His boots clunked against the floor, a stark contrast to the delicate clicking of your heels on the floor.

"Your name, doll?"

"[Y/LN]. [Y/N] [Y/LN]. And yours?"

"You don't know my name?", he says, his head tilted at your question and a slight laugh present in his voice.

"I know your name.", you say. "I just wanted to know if- if you know your name." Then he laughs, and it sends shivers through your body.

His body was against yours, your hand clasped within his own. His left hand gripping your waist, the smooth texture of the leather gloves feeling like ice along the open back of your dress. His right hand was in yours, pushed to the side in a waltz position. You gently place your free hand on his shoulder. His coat felt cold. He sways, drifting along the dance floor and bringing you into a waltz.

"You a cement mixer, [Y/N]?", he chuckles, watching your hesitant movements along the floor as you try to keep up with his steps.

"Ain't easy dancing in these heels.", you say, keeping your focus on your feet, careful not to step on his. If you look up now, your heart wouldn't leave his tonight.

He laughs at your sarcasm. "You got good fashion taste, ma'am.", he says while giving you a slight nod. Your face feels hot at his words and you change subject.

"What should I call you?"


"I ain't gonna keep callin' ya Spider-Man."

"You can call me anything you like."


"Anything.", he says. You finally look up at him and he meets your gaze. You flow like water in a rapid river within his arms, the two of you losing yourselves within the waltz until he winces.

"You stepped on my foot.", he says, matter-of-factly. You smile sheepishly and take a step out of his arms until you feel the cold texture of his coat against your back, reeling you in once more into his embrace. This time much closer than before.


"I'd take the pain for you, darling.", he whispers coquettishly. You gulp lightly at his words, tension between the two of you growing further. You push yourself out of his arms and try to compose yourself, regaining that confidence.

"You ain't capturing my heart that easily, Spider-Man." Oh God, he already has.

He takes a step forward once more, regaining you in his arms and pulling you into a slow dance. "Oh? You sure, doll?"

"Yes." No.

"Haven't fallen for me yet?", he says, the smirk present within his voice. He spins you around, his boots thudding against the floor with every step he takes.

"'Course not." Of course.

He leans in closer, dipping you down. His eyes lock against yours and he tips his fedora upwards so it doesn't fall against his vision. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't.", he whispers.

And suddenly, you're unable to speak. You freeze, the ballroom around you becoming a swaying blur. His eyes, his quiet, masked face is all you can see before you. There's no words within you except 'I love you' to say, but you can't say it. You close your eyes and you hear him hum. He brings you up from the dipped position and puts both his hands on your hips. You open your eyes and gasp slightly at his grip.

"Thanks for the dance, dollface.", he says, squeezing your hips slightly before taking his hands off you entirely.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Duty calls."

"Too bad. You were in for a nice night."

"Maybe some other time.", he says quietly and solemnly. He grabs your hand lightly and places a small peck on the back of your glove before looking up at you and walking into the crowd. You stare at where he had disappeared and smile, walking dizzily back to your best friend.

Eyes followed you as you made your way back to the bar, but all you could think of was him. He was charming, and he had chosen you out of such a large crowd of people to ask for a dance. When you reach her, she smiles smugly at you.

"How was the dance with the Spider-Man?"

"I think I fell in love."

"ʀᴇᴀʟ ʙɪꜱᴄᴜɪᴛ ʙᴏxᴇʀꜱ!"

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1075

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