[017] no, i'm not.

608 16 10

- requested by @weeb_simp5 and others -
[ 'Make him jealous.' ]

You and Spider-Man Noir held a unique relationship with each other, to say the least.  You called him your boyfriend. He called you his sidepiece. It was obviously a lie on his part since he had no other piece to make you the side one. But he insisted on keeping that label to avoid commitment.

"I'm doing you a favor.", he said. "You don't want to be Spider-Man's girlfriend."

You rarely got to see him, most of the times he had come around to your place was to be intimate and nothing more. You'd seen him flirt with other women, usually catching him in a bar. Sometimes, when he was talking to you, he'd let slip that some dame was admiring him. He never acted on it, however, and always told them he had something going on at the last minute. If you ever got mad about it, he'd always tell you the same thing.

"I only got eyes for you, dollface. You know I love ya. I was just havin' some fun is all."

Honestly, you were a bit fed up with his antics. He wasn't taking you seriously, you could tell that much. So you hatched a plan.

"A date?", he asked, confused. "You know I don't do those."

"Please, Noir. Just this once."

"Don't look at me like that.", he grumbled, looking away. He was still looking at you through the corner of his eyes. You look up at him all innocent and he sighs. "Fine. Just this once."

"Can I invite a friend?"

"Sure, dollface. Anything you want."

The day of the date rolls around. You decided on a small but lively little bar around the street. When you hear the tap on your window, you can't help but smirk to yourself. Noir wasn't going to like this.

When you open the window, he steps in and ogles your outfit, both in disapproval and admiration. You're wearing a strapless and open-back dress and it clings to your body. It stops just centimeters above your knee. Before he can speak, you hear a knock on your door and Noir snaps his head to the sound, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, Oliver!", you exclaim, placing a lot of enthusiasm in your voice.

"Hey! [Y/N], long time no see, huh? How you doin' these days?" At the sight of your friend, Noir straightens up, tugging his collar almost in discomfort before clearing his throat. Oliver looks up at him and gasps.

"And you got Spider-Man to hang out with us? How do you know him? Wow, this is- it's an honor to meet you.", he smiles, walking past you and extending a hand to Noir. Noir doesn't shake it and eyes him up and down.

Oliver smiles at his coldness before turning to you, beaming. "Nice dress, [Y/N]. It suits you." You nod at his compliment and look at Noir. He hasn't moved an inch, still staring daggers into the back of Oliver's head. You smirk smugly at his reaction before returning to the conversation at hand.

"I'll see you at the bar, Oliver.", you say. "I still need to get myself ready."

"Oh, then I'll be outside waiting. Take your-"

Noir clears his throat and glares at you. You smirk back at him. "Sure, Oliver. It won't be long." Noir's gaze on you hardens which only makes your smirk grow wider. Oliver leaves the room and gives you a small smile. You smile back enthusiastically and Noir grabs your arm, pulling you closer to him.

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