[004] multiple pt 2.

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"My deal?"

You take a step back and turn. May is nowhere to be seen. His voice isn't threatening, but nonetheless intimidating. You're not thinking about what he asked, but rather, why he's standing so damn close to you. You feel your cheeks heat up. This wasn't the right time.

"You ain't one of us, are ya?", he says. "'Cause I'd be a hell of a lot surprised at that." He shifts slightly. You can tell he's uncomfortable with the idea of ​​​​​​​you . You scoff slightly, baffled at these ridiculous proposals. You've always been a normal broad, a normal gal. There was nothing remarkable about you at all. To think that Noir would question if you were special... it brought nothing but butterflies to your stomach.

"Now, why would I be one of you?", you shoot back. "You're the only one from our universe."

"You got that right", he states, sarcastically. "Why'd you trigger my sense, then?"

You stay quiet, not sure how to respond. The feeling creeps back into your mind again. There's no way in hell you were like them. The sense must be wrong, that was all. "Must've been some kinda mistake." You narrow your eyes. "'Cause I ain't like you." You're surprised at your own words. They were a bit more aggressive than you'd have liked them to be, but you can't give Noir any reason to believe that you like him.

"Hm. Alright, then." He gestures the rest of the spider people toward you and chuckles at your suspicious expression. "Need a second opinion. Or four." He places his hands on his hips as the others approach you. They all have their sense trigger, but your headache doesn't return.

"She's like us? Yay!", Peni says ecstatically. "I thought it was, like, a malfun-"

"I'm not like you guys!"

The room is filled with dead silence. You look at Noir, pleading with your eyes for him to save you. To help you explain this. He stares back, not budging. "I'm not." The headache reappears, extremely painful this time. It feels like someone took a hatchet and cut straight through your head. Your brain feels like it's about to explode. You hiss at the pain and take a few steps back, closing your eyes and holding your head. A vision of some sort is forming, but it's blurry and gray. You can see Noir. From what you can tell, his face is close. You can hear his breathing but it's fuzzy and distorted in your ears. He's towering over you, and then it stops. The pain withers away and you slowly stand up straight again. You can see the others now. Peter B. Parker sighs. Gwen looks at you with pity. Peni sits on top of her robot and gives you a sad look. So does her robot. Peter Porker's eyes shift. Noir remains still. "Then explain, doll."

The others slink away and give you pitiful stares. Peni looks at you as if to wish you luck, leaving you and Noir alone. You stayed silent until all of them left. "Speak. Why do you keep having headaches? Something to do with your sense?"

"I don't have a sense. At least, not the same one as you."

"Booshwash. Listen, darling. Tell me the truth, or we can't do squat to save you."

"I had a vision of you", you blurt out. Noir tilts his head, awaiting an explanation. "You were close to me. And breathing." He sighs, exasperated.

"Doll, I ain't got time for your fantasies." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Is that seriously all?" You feel your face heat up. What was he implying? "That's all."

He sighs once more, seemingly fed up with you. "Alright, doll. I believe you. Shake a leg, we got work to do." He walks towards the elevator and you follow. thoughts of him. You think back to the moment when he called you darling. You lightly bite your bottom lip at the thought and smile to yourself. Noir glances down at you, but you're too lost in thought to notice. His hand brushes against yours, but he scoots away. Clearly, the tension was strong between the two of you. The elevator opens and both of you step out and head into the house, where the squad waits for you. Noir sighs and plops himself onto the couch . You're about to sit, too, but he stretches out, lying on it, eyeing you all the while. You sit on a chair instead, and he grabs a cube.

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