[015] sorry.

580 17 8

You and Peter just had the first argument in your week-long relationship. And it was bad.

"How is it none of my business that ya disappear all the time?!"

"Really, darling?", he scoffs. He runs a hand through his messy black hair and sighs, not looking at you. You were standing in front of the television facing him while he sat on the couch. "It ain't a big deal. You can trust me."

"That's gotta be the dumbest thing you've ever said.", you snapped. "How can I trust you if you're always running off, probably to meet some other dame or-"

"The only dame I'm dizzy for is you, doll. Don't go an' blow your wig off. It's nothing like that.", he grumbled.

"Then why won't you tell me why you keep disappearing? Or why you come back with- with bruises and whatnot?"

He's silent at your words and only sighs and rolls his eyes. He leans back on the couch and stares at you. You tap your foot impatiently until he speaks up, his aggressive tone startling you a bit.

"None of your business, hon."

That was three hours ago and now it's midnight. You're in your bedroom, technically shared with Peter. But he still hasn't entered the room to join you to sleep. Im fact, you haven't heard a single noise from the living room since you stormed off from the argument and sulked in the bedroom. It was hard to sleep when Peter wasn't next to you.

You trudge to the living room expecting a smug Peter still sitting on the couch, awaiting your apology. To your surprise, Peter is spread across the couch, his trench coat over him as a blanket, glasses askew on his face. The light of the living room is still on. You sigh and walk over to Peter, taking his glasses and placing them delicately on the coffee table. You adjust his coat and kiss him on the cheek.

"Night, Peter.", you whisper. "Sorry." You swear he smiles at your words but shake it off as just your imagination.

You plod back to your room after turning the lights off tiredly and collapse onto your bed. It was cold, despite the blankets. Your thoughts drift from reality as you fall asleep, hugging your pillow and pretending he was next to you.

You're awakened by a knock on your door. It's slow but still loud enough to prompt you to open your eyes. You grumble to yourself, annoyed and tired as you drag yourself out of your bed and stagger in the dark to the doorknob. You open it, still half asleep and look up.

"Hey, dollface."

"Peter?", you murmur, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the darkness. "What are you doing? Go back to sleep."

"Not without you."

You sigh and blink, your sleepiness still clouding your senses. "Fine, Pete." You move out of the doorway and he walks in quickly, bumping into your desk.

"Doll? Where are you?", he sighed, reaching around his surroudings. "I left my glasses back there. Can't see a thing."

You sigh, your eyes finally adjusting to the light. You see Peter standing around aimlessly and laugh softly. "Right here, Peter." You walk up to him and put your hands on his waist in an attempt to induce a reaction out of him. He tenses up and stops moving. His back is to yours and you move him to face the correct direction to the bed. "Walk forward." Your hands don't leave his waist and he slowly steps forward.

He mumbles something and falls onto the bed, making space for you. You join him but keep your distance, making sure your back is to him.

"C'mere, dollface. Please.", he breaths softly. You stay silent at his words and don't move.

"Please, doll." You stay silent.

You feel a warm weight rest on you and his face is against your neck. He pulls you in closer, wrapping both his arms around you. You gasp lightly at his actions which only induces him to hold you tighter. He hums against your neck.

"Sorry, dollface.", he mutters. He sounds extremely tired and you soften at his words. "You know I love you."

"I know."

"Dollface, there's no one else in the world I'd rather be with.", he mumbles. He sounds like he's in tears. You shift in his hold. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Peter. Really."

"No, it's not. I shouldn'ta said that.", he mumbled against your neck. His breath was hot against your skin. "I love you, princess."

"Peter, really. It's fine.", you say. You don't fight against his hold anymore, instead you shift closer to him. You can feel his smile against your neck when you shift back.

"I love you.", he soothes. "You're the only dame I'll ever love. Just- I can't tell you what-"

"I know, Peter. I know."

"Please, dollface. Forgive me. I love you."

Despite how sincere his words are, you can't help but smile a bit. Peter was this apologetic for a petty argument like this. You've never loved him more than now.

You shift in his arms and he loosens up a bit. When you turn and face him, his eyes stare at you longingly. His eyes melt your guard down. He opens his mouth but you bring a finger to his lips.

"Peter, stop. I love you."

With your finger still on his lips, you bring your lips to his cheek and peck him softly. His eyes don't leave your lips until you turn your back to him, returning to your original position in his arms.

His arms are around you, his chest against your back and one of his legs between the two of yours. He's cradling you and it's difficult to move in his tight embrace. In this position, you can feel his lips move on your neck, muttering out a sentence.

"Night, [Y/N].", he maunders.

"Night, Peter."

"ʏᴀ ʜᴀʀᴅ-ʙᴏɪʟᴇᴅ ᴛᴜʀᴛʟᴇ ꜱʟᴀᴘᴘᴇʀ!"

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1005

ɴᴏᴛᴇ: requests? im hitting writers block haha

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