[007] lonely.

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You sit on the edge of your bed, kicking your feet slightly. You're waiting for that small knock on your window, that small tap that just made your day so much better. Spider-Noir has been frequenting your house these days, mostly to chat and sometimes needing the slightest patch-up. It was nice knowing that someone wanted you in their presence. Especially since it was Noir, who you've heard to be cold and dismissive to most people, seeing the business before the friendship. He wasn't always very talkative, but you felt he just needed someone by his side to listen to his whispers of nothing. He was lonely, like you. You hear the rap on your window and your ears perk up. He was here.

You gently open the blinds. You see him right in front of you through the glass. He almost looks unreal. Your eyes wander to where his mouth supposedly is underneath his mask, and the thought of him kissing you appears in your mind. You gently open the window, trying to shake away the feelings.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Spider-Noir?" You give him a small smirk as you back up, allowing him to crawl through your window. He jumps through, his high-knee boots making a small thump on the ground as he lands in front of you. "What brings you here tonight?"

"I come here every night." You give him a playful nudge. He doesn't move, and you can almost see that he is smiling. "Is there a special occasion though?"

"Nah. It ain't ever a special occasion." You smile at his words. He's as cold as ever, yet still friendly and warm in a strange way. You hop onto your bed, sitting in a cross-legged position on your bed. He moves to your desk chair, sitting on it backward, resting his arms on the top rail of the chair, then resting his head on his arms. He doesn't break eye contact with you, waiting for you to speak.

"You stop any crimes today?"

"Yeah. Twenty-second Street had a mugging victim. Sixteenth Street had a gang fight." He pauses. "This city ain't ever gonna change."

"Don't say that. Your efforts are changing it."

"Sure, doll." He gives you a small smile before breaking eye contact with you and looking out of the window. You stare at him and the thought of his lips cross your mind once more.

"What's the matter? You seem extra silent t'night." He doesn't respond at first but finally lets out a small sigh and speaks. You can tell he is trying his best to hide his sadness from you. Your gaze on him softens as he speaks. His voice is quieter than usual.

"Ah, y'know how it is. I ain't got anyone, so it's only natural that I find myself feelin' lonely."


"Yeah, yeah. I know. I got you." He gives you a small smile. "Still, it ain't enough to shake off that feelin'." You know he doesn't mean any harm, but your feelings are still slightly hurt. He was basically just telling you that you weren't enough for him. You're not sure how to respond to him.

"What can someone like me do to help you with your problem?"

"Just listen."

"Then why are ya still feelin' lonely?" He doesn't respond and looks away. You know that he feels your friendship isn't enough. "Is there more I can do?" He stays silent and takes off his fedora, placing it gently on your desk.

"Fightin' crime just don't fill that lonely hole in me no more." He shakes his head slightly. "I just-" You cut him off and put your hand up, gesturing at him to stop talking. "Tell me what I can do to help ya. Spider, you the only friend I had in a long while.  Whatever you need, I'm here."

He takes his eyes off the window and back onto you, almost scanning you. You tilt your head slightly, waiting for a response. He retreats slightly, burying himself more into his arms. "Can't."

"Why not?"

"It'd ruin everything."

"If you're thinkin' what I'm thinking of-"

"I can assure you, I ain't."

"So you don't wanna kiss me?" He seems almost stunned by your proposal. He brings his head out of his arms and looks up at you, completely speechless. You give him a small smirk. "Did I guess correctly?" His silence tells you that you were right. You get off your bed and walk towards him. His eyes follow yours until you're standing directly in front of him. You look down at him while he's sitting in your chair, him looking up at you. You can almost see his sad eyes. You bring a hand to his cheek, feeling the leathery material of his mask. "Let me help you be less lonely, Spider." You pause, waiting for a response, but don't get one. "Anything you want, I got it."

He looks up at you. Your advances and forwardness are stunning him and he stands up. You bring your hand down as he pushes the chair away and stands up. He's taller than you, and now you're the one looking up at him. Without a word, he lifts his mask just above his nose, puts both his hands on your waist, and pulls you into a passionate kiss.

You can feel him caress your waist as he leans forward into the kiss, eventually pushing you up against your bed. His lips taste cold. There's no tongue, no lust, just sweetness with a hint of desperation. You can tell he's wanted this since day one. As he pushes you up against your bed, he pulls away from the kiss, breathing heavily. You lie on the bed and he gets on top of you without a word. His hands are fumbling along your waist, tugging on your blouse as he kisses you further, this time bringing his tongue into yours. You smirk through the kiss, feeling him tug on your blouse. He was desperate for more. You gave him a push and he broke the kiss.

"Eager, huh?" He gives you a small nod and leans down for more, but you stop him. You tug at his turtleneck and bring it down. You bring his neck to your lips and suck, leaving a small purple bruise along his left side. He lets out a small groan. You push him off of you and get up, fixing your blouse. You look back at him and he's a mess. His jacket is ruffled and his vest is wrinkled. You can hear his heavy breathing from where you're standing. His eyes beg you for more.

"Come here tomorrow and I might give you more." You can see his eagerness dissipate into sadness again. You reassure him softly. "Noir, you know I ain't gonna leave you. I'm just not feeling up to it tonight." You pause as he gets up from the bed and fixes his clothes and pulls down his mask while approaching you. "Promise."

"Darling, you can't leave me like this." His breathing is still heavy and his voice is laced with desperation. You feel so bad for not going through it, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Not tonight, at least.

"I know, Noir. And I'm sorry."


"Yes?" He leans into you once more and hastily brings up his mask. This time, he attacks your neck. You put your hands on his back as a support as he puts his hands on your shoulders, tugging at your blouse once more. You try your best to not make a sound, making muffled moans as he works his way down to your collarbone. He stops abruptly, however, and pulls back. "I can wait for tomorrow."

You smile at him softly. This time, you're the mess. Your hair is ruffled and your blouse is wrinkled. He brings a hand to your face and caresses your cheek. "Thank you." You smirk at his words. "You're welcome." He grabs his fedora off of your desk and prepares to hop out of your window. He turns to look at you one more time. You can tell he's trying his best to contain his heavy breathing.

"I'll be seeing you."

"I can hardly wait."

He gives you one last smile before pulling his mask down and hopping out of your window. You sigh in pleasure and launch yourself onto your bed, staring at the ceiling. You could feel the heat of his body still lingering on your sheets, the pillow smelling like him. Heat creeps on your cheeks.

You weren't going to sleep tonight.

"ꜱʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴍᴏxɪᴇ, ꜱᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ!"

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1458

ɴᴏᴛᴇ: revisted in - [013] re: lonely.

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