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Somewhere in a village , a few maids were banging on a door.

A poorly built hut with a shabby appearance . The mud walls were cracked , barely supporting the structure. Its faded color showed its true condition. The courtyard was open but was shabby as well .

A young lady was lying on the floor . No mattress but a wooden mat which provided no comfort. There was not a single piece of furniture .

The young lady was asleep but the constant and loud banging woke her up. She opened her eyes and found herself alone in that room . She adjusted her eyes to the lighting of the room . Not able to understand her surroundings , she tried to get up.

Her maidservant heard some voices from inside . She rushed inside hoping her young lady was awake.

"Young Lady !"Lian Fang came rushing to her after seeing her struggling . She helped her with settling down.

Where am I? Lian Fang ...? This place...this room ...this room .. It seems familiar...

"Young Lady ! Young Lady! Finally you woke up . " Lian Fang said in a very worried voice . She continued ," This morning your fever broke out . They have come to take you back . I told them you were sick but they still wanted to force their way."

I AM .,.AT..THE...THE VILLAGE !!How can it be possible ..!!I ..I...I...was asleep this whole time ... NO!NO! Was it a dream? NO! it was real .....

Shaoshang couldn't understand what was happening . She tried to remember her last moments. She couldn't focus at all . Her head became heavy and the world around her started spinning . The pain in her head intensified .

"Young Lady ! Young Lady ! You are so unwell and they want to take you back . They sent you here in this condition to die ."

It finally came to Shaoshang . She placed one hand on her forehead . Was it a dream? Was it a reality ? How can a dream feel so real? She thought . Her hand clenched her chest . IT WAS REAL!!

"Young Lady !! You are so unwell! What should I do ?" Lian Fang panicked seeing the condition of Shaoshang .

Shaoshang pointed at the cup of water . Her maidservant rushed to the cup and helped her young lady to drink water .


Was it real? But the pain is still there.

Will everything happen in the same way?

The pain is still there!!!! Shaoshang was immense in her deep chain of thoughts .

"I can check if everything will happen in the same way or not ", Shaoshang said.

"Did you say anything , young lady ?" Her maidservant asked.

Shaoshang guided her to place wood ashes at a specific place and open the door when she tries to barge in .

Lian Fang nodded and followed her orders .

The arrogant Housemaid, Li , tries to break the door, but Shaoshang's petty trick played well.

She didn't calculate where to place the ashes . She remembered from her past memory .

The Housemaid was angry at the Fourth Lady . She was shouting in anger .

Shaoshang went outside but all the voices couldn't break her concentration. She was lost in her own thoughts.

Still, it doesn't prove that everything will happen in the same way . Maybe there is no such person like him . Only one thing can prove it now.

Shaoshang ignored everyone and moved towards her carriage with the help of Lian Fang . Before entering her carriage , she noticed footsteps leading to the haystack . It will happen . She said.

Ling Buyi and his guards were standing on the edge of the cliff and observing them .

"The old woman is going to enter the carriage . I think if Dong is not in the carriage, " Liang Qiu Fei said .

" You need to fix your eyesight. Old Woman? That's obviously a young lady," Liang Qiu Qi said.

"From which residence is the young lady from ? Why is she dressed so shabbily ?" Fei asked.

Meanwhile, in her carriage , Shaoshang was quiet . She was busy with her thoughts . Any moment now!

Her maid asked in a very caring voice ," Are you okay , young lady ?" . Shaoshang nodded , still occupied by her thoughts.

"When your parents arrive , you will be able to live a good life " her maid insured her .

Shaoshang sarcastically smiled.

Shaoshang was counting seconds . Her heartbeat was growing with every passing second . If she doesn't help him, there are chances that her family will be implicated as well. If she interacted with him , the same timeline would follow . But wait ...This moment doesn't hold any importance. She was occupied with her thought ......then....the moment she dreaded finally arrived .

"STOP FOR INSPECTION!" a black armored soldier ordered.

The carriage stopped. Madam Li went ahead and greeted the general and asked," General, Why did you stop us?"

"We were decreed to capture a man. Search for the carriage " Qi said.

"Wait a minute. The lady in the carriage is the Fourth Lady of Colonel Cheng Shi. She is the only one in there. Young Generals, young lady is still an unwed lady . We can't let the men search for the car," Madam Li said.

Shaoshang was gathering every ounce of courage in her . She didn't think it was going to be that difficult . But this thing needs to be done.

I didn't think it was going to be that difficult . I can do this. If I do this , this would be our last interaction . I have to save my family. I want to save myself.

"Quiet , Madam Li. We're the family of the General. All the more reason we should obey the rules . I haven't done anything wrong . I don't fear anything. General , before you conduct your search , Can I have a word with you ?"

General Ling got closer to the carriage . She says"You shouldn't only search for the carriage. You will find interesting things if you burn that haystack " and point towards it . General Ling Buyi gets mesmerized by her hand .

The general finds the suspect .

The general allows them to leave . Later, he finds out he is the young lady's granduncle.

Shaoshang finally breathes calmly.

That person exists . It wasn't a dream . He doesn't know me ....he doesn't know about the hurt he caused . I want nothing to do with him . LIng Buyi , this is the last time we will ever meet . She looks at her right arm . The bite mark was still there . Our paths will never meet again .

Shaoshang didn't know it was the very moment he fell in love with him . He didn't know any noble lady who would turn into their own family in the name of justice . He didn't feel for her beautiful face, but her righteous actions .

He looks from afar as she leaves with her servants .

"Cheng Shaoshang"

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